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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/17 in all areas

  1. Well first off, you need to be careful what chunks your generator is loading. Read this for some info: https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/5x0twz/investigating_extreme_worldgen_lag/ The reason you're getting more chunk loading, specifically for the BiomeDict stuff is that you're now generating in MORE then just EXACTLY Forest. You're generating in anything thats CONSIDERED a Forest, which in vanilla is 21 of the 61 known biomes. Just as a note your 'BEFORE" would be better written {and have the same effect} as: if (biomegenbase == Biomes.FOREST)
    1 point
  2. public/private change wasn't necessary, it was that the local-scope declaration overrode the parent scope declaration.
    1 point
  3. There's nothing wrong here. Gradle does not generate the eclipse folder, it's only found in the MDK. The eclipse folder is completely unnecessary and in my opinion it is not a good way to manage a project. It only allows for one project in an Eclipse workspace and requires downloading/copying the MDK to create a new project. I would recommend using a multiproject workspace instead. Lex has made a video tutorial on this, it can be found here. He recommends using setupDevWorkspace, however I would strongly recommend setupDecompWorkspace as it allows you to look at the decompiled MC source. Additionally, I would not recommend targeting 1.8, target 1.9.4 at the very least, preferably 1.10.2 or 1.11.2. 1.8 had a lot of issues due the the massive changes to the rendering system, these issues were mostly remedied by Forge for MC 1.9.4.
    1 point
  4. Sorry, but 1.7.10 is no longer supported on these forums. A moderator will lock this thread.
    1 point
  5. By default, .lang files do not support escape characters. If you want escape characters to be parsed, you need to add #PARSE_ESCAPES to your lang file. #PARSE_ESCAPES should be the only thing on its line.
    1 point
  6. Create a class that extends TileEntity and implements net.minecraft.util.ITickable (not the ITickable in the client package). The implementation of the ITickable#update method will be called once per tick. You can store a counter in a field of the TileEntity and increment it each tick. When it reaches X (where X is some number you determine based on the proximity of nearby players), damage all nearby players and reset the counter. You could calculate X every time the TileEntity damages nearby players or every tick, depending on how accurate you want it to be. Register your TileEntity class with GameRegistry.registerTileEntity in preInit. Use your mod ID followed by a colon as a prefix for this name (e.g. "<yourmodid>:radiation_block"), since it will be converted to a ResourceLocation. Override Block#hasTileEntity(IBlockState) to return true and override Block#createTileEntity to create an return a new instance of your TileEntity class. An AABB (Axis Aligned Bounding Box) is just a box defined by two points in 3D space: the minimum x/y/z coordinates and the maximum x/y/z coordinates. World#getEntitiesWithinAABB simply returns a list of entities inside the AABB (i.e. entities whose own bounding boxes intersect the specified AABB).
    1 point
  7. It already exists, and has been documented several times. It however is not a system we advertise or encourage people to use because flat out, the downloads page is how we pay the bills. And people who bypass that bypass how we make money. It's a shitty thing, but it's as simple as that.
    1 point
  8. Start paying a service contract with us here and then you can start dictating what we do and don't support. The version works, the launcher works with the older versions. However we will not b e producing any new versions for old MC versions to fix anything that breaks. So you are on your own for anything that breaks. Simple as that. Your unsubstantiated claims of 'most popular version for modding' are hyperbole and not wanted here. Just because you think it doesn't make it true. Anyways, we do not support older versions on this forum because they are out of our control, don't like it, update.
    1 point
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