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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/20 in all areas

  1. Try running it from the commandline, hold shift + right-click in a blank spot in the folder the installer is in, and choose open command/powershell here, and try java -jar <filename> replace <filename> with whatever the installer filename is (you should be able to tab complete it after a few characters)
    1 point
  2. Your recipe needs to be in data.modid.recipes assets is only for client stuff, models, textures, etc
    1 point
  3. I've done similar for dashing side to side. I set up a tick handler where I detect if the player has pressed the movement key once, and if it's pressed again within a certain number of ticks, then execute. Use the input handler event, and send a packet to server to do the logic there.
    1 point
  4. Pass in a ToolType to harvestTool. E.g. ToolType.AXE. Harvest level Is just an integer. I believe it is something like 0: wood, 1: stone tools, 2: iron tools, 3: diamond tools.
    1 point
  5. For anyone looking, the following code will rotate a VoxelShape around an axis: public static VoxelShape rotateShape(Direction from, Direction to, VoxelShape shape) { VoxelShape[] buffer = new VoxelShape[]{ shape, VoxelShapes.empty() }; int times = (to.getHorizontalIndex() - from.getHorizontalIndex() + 4) % 4; for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { buffer[0].forEachBox((minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ) -> buffer[1] = VoxelShapes.or(buffer[1], VoxelShapes.create(1-maxZ, minY, minX, 1-minZ, maxY, maxX))); buffer[0] = buffer[1]; buffer[1] = VoxelShapes.empty(); } return buffer[0]; }
    1 point
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