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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. Sounds like you're running 1.14 and trying to run 1.12 mods, this is not going to work
  2. What are you on about, Mac downloads? Just set your launcher to use 1.12.2 Forge.
  3. You can wait for the Optifine devs to make a version of Optifine that is compatible with Forge.
  4. Run the Minecraft Installer Launcher then try installing Forge again
  5. Check the very bottom of the list Edit: Wait are we talking Installations or Versions here?
  6. For whatever reason 1.12.2 versions of Forge get sorted to the bottom of the list.
  7. Your Forge file is called forge-1.12.2-, not forge-1.12.2-
  8. Provide a screenshot of your server folder. Also Judging from your Java path you have 32-Bit Java, this is likely to create problems later and I would recommend installing 64-Bit Java. https://adoptopenjdk.net
  9. What is in your bat file and what does the command prompt show?
  10. Structure of a Command: [Command or Program to Invoke] [Arguments to apply to the Command] You have the arguments but not the program. Find where Java is installed on your computer and use the full path of the java exe to invoke it
  11. You go into your .minecraft folder, go into the mods folder, find the folder that is named for your current Minecraft version, and delete the otg component from there. https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/.minecraft#Locating_.minecraft
  12. OTG installs a component of itself into a mods/mcVersion folder, this component gets loaded and crashes when the main mod jar isn't found, you'll have to delete it manually.
  13. In the command window you provided before, you put in the arguments for running Java but you didn't include the java invocation
  14. Update to the latest version of Java 8. https://adoptopenjdk.net
  15. and you're so worried about possibly leaking info that you're afraid of providing a log that would help me identify your issue
  16. Not sure I understand what you're saying... are you saying what I'm asking you to do is sketchy?
  17. Please restart your launcher and launch the game, then quit and immediately provide your launcher_log.txt from .minecraft
  18. What do you mean you're unable to use it?
  19. 1.8.9 is no longer supported on this forum due to its age. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  20. Forge is what allows almost every mod to work in the first place, you know...
  21. The filenames of some of your mods suggests you are not getting them from official sources, please read my signature for more info on why this is a bad thing. <rant> Why does everyone need a tutorial for installing a Forge server? Download Forge installer from https://files.minecraftforge.net Run installer Select Server Install Select Server Directory Click Install If you have problems, come here with the installer log </rant>
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