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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. I prefer to suggest using Eclipse's "Import Existing Gradle Project" option.
  2. That's it, and it's a common issue, the easy fix is to update to the latest version of Java 8. https://adoptopenjdk.net
  3. You should probably re-install Java.
  4. Twitch calls it a launcher, but it's more of a "Launcher Launcher" or "Modpack Manager", it just sets up files for the Launcher to read then feeds it commend line arguments to tell it where to look for those files. Also I've never seen this issue, if you have this issue please provide the launcher log.
  5. Are you able to go to that URL with your browser?
  6. The installer log will be in the same place as the installer, for you I would assume that would be your downloads folder.
  7. This is not an issue that can be solved by a re-install, unless the bug has been fixed by Block Armor's devs combining JEI and BlockArmor will always have the chance of crashing like this
  8. You can either upload it here on the forums or use one of the pasting sites in my signature below.
  9. No, just restarting the launcher or re-launching the game should have the launcher detect the file is missing and re-download it.
  10. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum due to its age. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  11. Please read the "Logs" section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner.
  12. Never, EVER, use 9Minecraft. Delete the installer you got from 9Minecraft, re-download and re-run the installer from https://files.minecraftforge.net and if you still have an issue provide the installer log.
  13. Where are you downloading Forge from? Please give a url.
  14. Please provide your installer log, it will have the same name as the installer but with .log on the end: Installer: forge-{version}-installer.jar Log: forge-{version}-installer.jar.log Note: If you have Windows Explorer set to hide file extensions(as is the default setting), they will look like this: Installer: forge-{version}-installer Log: forge-{version}-installer.jar
  15. Because you're looking in Twitch, the whole purpose of the guide I provided is to get the modpack using Twitch, then run it WITHOUT Twitch.
  16. This is 100% on the Optifine Devs, why people keep asking this of Forge I don't know.
  17. Try removing Dynamic Trees, it's one of the more performance-heavy mods I've seen and you're once again having the issue of a single gametick taking over a minute
  18. The filenames of some of your mods suggests you are not getting them from official sources, please read my signature for more info on why this is a bad thing.
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