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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. Open command prompt or terminal (depending on your OS) and type java -version, what shows up?
  2. This is a Twitch Launcher issue, nothing Forge can do to fix Twitch hosting corrupted libraries. A workaround is installing Forge manually into standalone Minecraft (This works even with the launcher installation Twitch uses just as long as you don't launch it THROUGH twitch), then create a launcher profile and point its Game Directory option to the folder of your modpack instance.
  3. Please read the "Logs" section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner.
  4. Please do not repost mods files without permission from the author(s).
  5. @Config does work, I'd need to see your code in a GitHub repo to determine what's going wrong.
  6. Forge and fabric aren't currently compatible to my knowledge.
  7. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum due to its age. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  8. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum due to its age. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  9. Going to assume this is the Forge installer. Please provide the installer log, it well be named the same as the installer but with .log on the end.
  10. Please read the "Logs" section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner.
  11. You don't have to if you don't want to, it's just that Twitch likes to do things for you in their own way. If you're not using Twitch just download Forge from https://files.minecraftforge.net, where were you getting it before?
  12. Well you're running an absolutely ancient version of Forge, where are you downloading your mods from?
  13. Are you using the run configurations that the command generated or did you make your own?
  14. Please do not hijack threads, if you have an issue please make your own.
  15. Sounds more like garbage collection, how much ram are you allocating?
  16. The filenames of some of your mods suggests you are not getting them from official sources, please read my signature for more info on why this is a bad thing.
  17. Please don't necro old threads, if you have an issue make your own thread.
  18. You could provide your debug.log using one of the sites listed in my signature below.
  19. Please use one of the paste sites listed in my signature to post your launcher_log.txt
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