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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. Something tells me you didn’t download Forge from the Forge team, as Forge does NOT install third party services. The only official place to download Forge is the files section of THIS site (http://files.minecraftforge.net) any other hosts offering a Forge download are reposting Forge files without permission and/or may be installing malware on your computer.
  2. By "log" we don't mean the stuff in the console window that pops out, copying and pasting hat has weird formatting anyway. No we want the debug.log file that is generated, it's in your logs folder and has everything previously reported to the console window and possibly more. From the presence of an hs_err_pidxxxx.log this is likely something happening within Java itself, so please include that as well.
  3. Could you post your debug.log please? It's detailed in my signature.
  4. From the looks of it you're trying to use old old mods (and coremods at that) on 1.12.2. The warning you see is just detecting that the server isn't being run from CMD, so it disables a module that would have given cmd some color.
  5. What does it say in the console during launch? It should be prefaced with forge.VersionCheck
  6. I think I've had this issue when the old mcmod.info was open in a program that put a file lock on it, or I had the whole thing in a folder that imposed restrictive permissions on it.
  7. Despite the page name in the url it is not an updater, it is an update checker, mods with updates available are marked with emeralds in the mods list and a message is logged in console. Does this answer your question?
  8. and you are putting your mods in C:\Users\malor_tu9ur\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods correct?
  9. And you are sure you aren't confusing two separate .minecraft folders?
  10. And this is with mods in your mods folder?
  11. Now install Forge from the correct source.
  12. The "files" link at the top of this page (http://files.minecraftforge.net) is the ONLY guaranteed safe place to get Forge.
  13. Please read into the StopModReposts project and install their browser addon. Delete any and all files you got from that site, delete any launcher profiles it created in your launcher and run a virus scan.
  14. How did you install Forge?
  15. and it didn't generate any log files?
  16. When I said "run the game" you clicked play right? The game loaded up with the same screen that you were originally talking about?
  17. Nothing? Ok then check your launcher profile 3 lines Launch Options Advanced Settings switch should be green Forge profile Is the game directory switch green?
  18. Delete everything from your logs folder, run the game, then send the debug.log
  19. Ok, could you send me a screenshot?
  20. Can you send me a screenshot of your launcher?
  21. Are you using the Twitch launcher?
  22. No I mean the one that is a NOT a winrar file, when the game runs and detects an old debug.log it compresses it
  23. The uncompressed debug.log, but if you've run the game between the first and second debug.logs you sent me then you may be launching vanilla and not Forge
  24. The winrar files are the OLD debug.log files
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