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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. Correction, more than 4 years old
  2. It should be noted that the code for those mods has been obsolete for almost 3 years
  3. Usually programmers work on getting stuff working before moving on to optimisation, honestly though no one knows yet and no one will know until a forge 1.13(.1?) branch is made on GitHub
  4. I've got everything working, except that my EnergyNetworkList is shared between the server & client. this isn't a problem when the sides are physically seperate... but I get concurrent modification exceptions & multiple versions of the same EnergyNetworks. How would I attach my networks (& lists) to specific worlds and have seperate instances for server & client?
  5. You need a custom Recipe implementation I think
  6. Thats what I though but jabelar said
  7. Can you please post your code or a GitHub link for people in the future with the same problem?
  8. Can you restate your question with more detail? I assume you would just have a normal crafting GUI (look at containerWorkbench and guiWorkbench) and remove 2 energy from your storage when you craft something
  9. Have u tried the debugger? Is the spawned data synced between client & server?
  10. I’m not sure your question could be more unspecific, we need your code, a better description of what your trying to remove (screenshots?) and maybe your logs
  11. Is there any event that is fired every time a block is destroyed?
  12. Don’t use GL directly, use GLStateManager
  13. Would having a list of networks(energy storages) with a saved list of connected tile entity positions that are updated by the tile entitie in onblockplaced/destroyed work? Very simple & without pathfinding.
  14. I want it to be a loss-less transfer, what do you mean by thermal energy flow?
  15. Good question, probably 1.13 so as not to skip anything.
  16. Have you tried playing around and making sure transparency is off/on and texture2d is off/on? those probably aren't the rendering flags that you want, but their a good start
  17. Ok, not everything, and not actually, but Mojang's endorsement of it leaves a bit do be desired and as was seen with bukkit, copyright can get complicated. Also the legality of it depends on the country your in, etc.
  18. So whats wrong with this, its going to be a painful amount of reflection & possibly a core mod, but it will allow you to make a dynamic map of entity->scale.
  19. Let me just say first that I don't properly know java, but that does look like a static initialiser to me. I'll go google exactly what one is now. My bad, its not a static initialiser, but they should still be using the @ObjectHolder notation.
  20. If I remember correctly I never implemented this, but found a way to do it very easily. I think that you can just modify your onCraftMatrixChanged method and use code from net.minecraft.inventory#Container.slotChangedCraftingGrid and net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager.findMatchingRecipe. Never mind, I forgot that you're using the vanilla crafting table. You just have to reshuffle the recipe registry so that your recipes are before the vanilla ones so that the for loop in net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager.findMatchingRecipe chooses your recipe and not the vanilla ones.
  21. I'm making a tech based mod involving a lot of energy and so far I've been using wires that have pretty abysmal performance. They each have an energy storage and they just transfer energy into all storages next to them every tick. This works ok when using under 10 wires, but it's useless for transferring energy over any range. I'm wondering how I would make an energy network for my wires. I've found this post which is someone trying to do the same thing, unfortunately there aren't any responses to the topic. I've also found their code here, but I would like to know the best way of making a network, rather than deducing a functional way from someone else's code. My current idea is to have an map of energy storages linked to a list of connected tile entities, stored in a worldSavedObject or something (I'll look into the saving part of it later).
  22. Forge doesn't support you changing the gif
  23. Everything to do with modding is in a legal grey area. Forge discourages and frowns upon people even automating their install process (like MultiMC) so I assume that they definitely don't want it hosted on another CDN.
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