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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. Which Block class did you import? Which class called “Block” (from one of the external libraries) did you import into the class that you are writing? If it’s not “net.minecraft.block” that’s your problem.
  2. just do if(block==Blocks.SAND)
  3. Which Block did you import?
  4. Have you tried, you know, profiling your code?
  5. No logs, no model, no code, how do you expect us to help you? Make sure you have the correct parent or transforms in your model.
  6. Sorry we don't support 1.7.10 (it's 4+ years old!) or any version under 1.10 on this forum anymore due to their age. We simply don't know how to help you anymore. You can go to the Minecraft Forum where I think that they still still support older versions, or update to a modern version of Minecraft (the latest version or the one before it) to receive support on this forum.
  7. Blocks models aren’t registered in code. Their models are loaded from the BlockState json. Your log contains no errors, please post your code as a working GitHub repository. Also Proxies cannot be “common”. Proxies seperate code that will crash on the wrong side. If it’s common code, it doesn’t belong in a proxy.
  8. That’s up to how you decide to implement it
  9. The details of the implement are simple. Override all methods that are called when a block is destroyed OR a block near a block is destroyed and handle removing both blocks (be careful not to go into an infinite loop). In your item block place method, place down your second block.
  10. If you feel like writing code that - is 3 times longer than the neccesary amount - stops Forge from being able to dynamically reload mods at runtime - can cause unexplainable crashes - breaks well made mods that do everything right - is 5 years out of date - is not neccesary anymore among many other things, feel free. But don’t expect not to get critisised for it, especially on these forums. And don’t go and create a tutorial (a tutorial is supposed to teach the best way of doing things) with your bad code, as it will create more mods and modders with the same problems and limitations. Forge 1.13 has been out for more than half a year, and parts of it have been out for almost 2 years. This rewrite has been going on for a long time, there are people who are defiantly familiar with it and know how it works.
  11. Steps to set up an eclipse workspace - gradlew eclipse - import gradle project - gradlew genEclipseRuns (might not be neccesary) - reimport project (might not be neccesary) I don’t use eclipse, so sorry about the lack of concrete advice but that’s the general idea
  12. The top option in the first screenshot I posted
  13. You just need 2 blocks in the world, how you implement it is completely up to you
  14. Top Menu > Build > Rebuild Project Project Explorer > File you want to recompile > Recompile (My key bind is command + shift + fn + f9)
  15. 1.13.2 is pretty new. You might be able to ask @Krevik, but vanilla code is currently (and usually) the best resource.
  16. Personally, I'm much more motivated for my solo projects. I usually have some sort of road map (examples) for what I intend to do with my mod. I generally try to follow the road map so I usually just end up doing something on my top 10 most important things that catches my fancy at the moment. As bugs pop up, new features pop up too. I've worked on teams, but prefer working on my own mods as they usually interest & challenge me more, and as I've written the code, I know where stuff is and have a good overview of how the mod works.
  17. https://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Batch-File-in-Windows-7 https://www.wikihow.com/Run-a-Batch-File-from-the-Command-Line-on-Windows Make sure to run the Forge server
  18. Unless you're trying to render a white cube, it means that your renderer isn't getting registered properly. Please post your code as a working GitHub repository.
  19. Look at - ItemRenderer#getItemModelWithOverrides - ForgeHooksClient#handleCameraTransforms - RenderItem#renderItem - IBakedModel#getQuads - BakedQuad#getSprite
  20. Please read https://gist.github.com/Cadiboo/fbea89dc95ebbdc58d118f5350b7ba93. Get rid of all of this // This is called from ClientProxy public static void render() { RenderItem renderItem = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem(); RenderManager renderManager = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager(); RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityFirebomb.class, new IRenderFactory<EntityFirebomb>() { @Override public Render<? super EntityFirebomb> createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) { return new RenderSnowball<EntityFirebomb>(renderManager, claybomb, renderItem); } }); } and replace it with something that isn't broken. You're passed a RenderManager in from createRenderFor why do you use the other one. Why does the other one even exist? Heres an example of how to register a renderer https://github.com/Cadiboo/WIPTech/blob/fb5883e9d76ef0361ec1ebbcb9c508611dd2ef6b/src/main/java/cadiboo/wiptech/client/ClientEventSubscriber.java#L137
  21. .DS_Store is a file that contains directory metadata IIRC. There should never be a folder called .DS_Store.
  22. Post your logs as described in my signature and the EAQ
  23. Don't deal with the NBT manually though, use a capability.
  24. The easiest way is to draw part of a texture
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