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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. The second option might be easier in my opinion. Just create a new launcher profile, and select the Game Directory option and select the installation of the game in twitch. @David M What a coincidence.
  2. If you just want to add simple items into the game, you can use mods like ContentTweaker instead of making a mod. If you want to make a mod properly, you have to learn Java and proper design pattern unless you want to break things. "No obvious errors" does not mean the code works fine. Just like a person not being dead doesn't mean he is perfectly healthy.
  3. It would be the same as String::format. The first parameter is the format, while the rest are values to include in the format. In the case of I18n, the first parameter is the translation key, while the rest are values to fill in the matching translation value of the translation key. For example, if your eu_us.json has: "my_translation_key": "An integer: %d; a string: %s" , then I18n.format("my_translation_key", 10, "hello"); would return "An integer: 10; a string: hello"
  4. Please do not post copy-pastable code like this. Others might copy it without learning anything.
  5. You've created two different instance of ItemStack. They don't double equal "==".
  6. HarryTalks is one of the worst modding tutorials. I would suggest to read vanilla’s code for blocks like furnace as well as to read the code of machines from other mods on GitHub.
  7. @Tameet I would just suggest that you shouldn't judge "has no mistake" by the syntax correctness. Red underline only shows syntax errors; the code can still be erroneous when the syntax is correct. "IBlockState blockState = event.getState().getBlockState();" has no syntax errors, yet the logic is not exactly clean. The same can be accomplished with just event.getState().
  8. Quoted from the site you've posted:
  9. There is no initialization events in 1.13. Check out https://github.com/Cadiboo/Example-Mod for a guide for making mods in 1.13.
  10. Yes. .DS_Store updates every time a file/sub directory name changes, a file/sub directory is added/deleted, or a file is edited. When you create a folder or file in eclipse, it seems that the action will not trigger a .DS_Store update. Creating a folder via Finder will cause an update. There is probably a way to disable the generation of DSstore via a command, but I don’t know it. Try google it up. Apple do patronize its user. To illustrate, you cannot create a new text file in Mac OS via right click because Apple thinks “adding the option to create an empty text file might confuse the user; they should use tools they are working with, like Pages or Keynote, to create new files”.
  11. You probably followed some terrible youtube tutorials... 1. Do not create Base classes (ItemBase, BlockBase, etc). Read the Common issues and recommendation for more explanation. 2. Don't do this. Use normal getters and setters instead. 3. The TileEntityFurnace already has a public static function of getting the burn time of items. No need to copy paste all that here. 4. There's really no much point in overriding methods that relate to customNames (unless you really know what you are doing).
  12. Please remove useless loggings like this when you release the mod. As far as I could tell, the console warnings does not match your current repo. Please update your repo if they are not up to date.
  13. Running ls -ld .* would show all hidden files in the current directory. You could use that to test for .DS_Store.
  14. .DS_Store files are files that store the hierarchy of a directory as well as the information of the files in it; this provides constant time complexity when searching the hard disk for certain file via spotlight. However, they can be very annoying to deal with sometimes. To remove it, simply cd into the directory and rm -rf .DS_Store. The log you posted only shows the warning, which should not cause a crash. Please post the crash log so we could figure out what really is crashing.
  15. @CrashTest323 Please create your own thread and post the appropriate log according to the EAQ. "Error Code 1" tells us nothing.
  16. Just out of curiosity, are you doing this for physics class (IGCSE Physics or something)? You could mark the player that used the springboard, and in your subscriber for TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent (can't remember the spelling), check if the player if marked by the springboard and log his/her position accordingly.
  17. The BlockMushroom class actually checks (in BlockMushroom#canBlockStay) whether the block the mushroom is placed on is podzol or mycelium, in which case light level is ignored. Therefore, there is no way to create a block that allows mushroom to plant on under any light level without changing the behavior of BlockMushroom.
  18. If you need to modify the behavior of a vanilla Item/Block, you could also create your own version of the Item/Block and replace the vanilla one with it. This might be useful if there is no event for the behavior you would like to modify. An example of this is done in FastWorkbench, where the author created a new crafting table and replaced the vanilla one with it.
  19. That would be false cause. Just because some random YouTuber "verified" something does not means they are safe. Please make sure you are only getting mods from CurseForge or their official sites. If the crash persists after you removed BattleRoyalMod, please post an updated crash log.
  20. Thanks. Oops sorry. I've posted the incorrect method names. I was referring to Packet#fromBytes and Packet#toBytes.
  21. What is the capacity of the ByteBuffer (as in the one in the parameter of Packet#fromBytes and Packet#toBytes) used in packets?
  22. Block#onLanded will be called on the server side. Calling Minecraft.getMinecraft().world on the server side will cause a crash. Instead, you should use the instance of World given in the parameter of Block#onLanded.
  23. 1. What is MrCrayFish World? What does “he verified it” means? 2. BattleRoyaleMod is causing the crash. Try removing it. 3. Make sure you only get mods from trusted sources.
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