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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. Please run the jar file in the command line and post the output.
  2. Launch the nukes. Please elaborate. What happened? What is the error message? It would be helpful if you could post your code with ResourceLocation that caused the problem.
  3. If you want to ignore rules and insist on making prohibited features, then I'm afraid you will find it hard to find help for your mod.
  4. The @SideOnly annotation will not somehow make the associated code only run on the specified side. IIRC the @SideOnly will cause a crash if the associated code is used in sides that is not specified in the parameter of the annotation.
  5. No. No capes. Mojang explicitly stated that modders should not mess with capes. Adding backdoors to your mod is also a bad idea. In addition, putting the cape code in post init makes no sense. Post init occurs when the game launches; it doesn't do anything about how a player is rendered.
  6. The iterable of items is not necessarily in the same order as the iterable of recipes. In fact, they might not even be the same size. I don't see why you need to iterate through the items; just go through all the recipes and remove them if the result match a certain criteria. Is that even going to compile though? I've never seen such syntax before.
  7. That is what you want. Now you should change the translation line in your .lang file into something like: item.imagespawner:imagespawner.name=Image Spawner Also, it seems like you are following a rather bad tutorial that writes unnecessary and pointless code. I would suggest ditching it.
  8. Every mod is for a specific Minecraft version. Download mods for the version you want.
  9. Read the EAQ and provide the appropriate log(s).
  10. Use one entity renderer. The entity is passed into the doRender method in the parameter; use the entity to determine which model to render.
  11. Your enum is over complicating the process of setting names. A good practice is to set the unlocalized name to the registry name to avoid conflicts, since the registry name contains the mod id. this.setUnlocalizedName(this.getRegistryName().toString()); Also, define “don’t work”. What is the name currently like?
  12. No. The memory is not the cause of this crash. It is probably because you got the mod from 9minecraft. Only download mods from trusted source, such as CurseForge.
  13. Nonononono BlockBase Bad. Do not abuse inheritance just to write less code. IHasModel is also unnecessary. Please read the common problems and suggestion for more info.
  14. That means you did something wrong. Try again. Search up how to run a jar in the command prompt.
  15. That is for checking whether the item's domain is equal to something... The method names should be pretty self-explanatory.
  16. This means "call the method; that's it". You were not told to override anything at any point. That would still be overriding the method. Delete your bindEntityTexture completely. Call the already existing method before you render the model. Unrelated: This does nothing, as you are basically returning the result from the super method. The point of overriding is to do something different from its super method.
  17. I've created a prototype of this: https://github.com/davidmaamoaix/StopRender/blob/master/src/main/java/cn/davidma/stoprender/StopRender.java. I've tested this with vanilla chest and ender chest, and received promising results. However, is this code going to cause any problems?
  18. Try running the jar file in the command prompt and post the output.
  19. I was playing a modpack (Sky Factory 4), and the amount of "Bonsai Pot", a tile entity whose TESR is expensive, is causing severe performance issue on the client side. Someone has already made a PR that adds a config to disable the rendering; however, the PR was not accepted. Therefore, I am wondering if it is possible to make a new mod to "unbind", or disable, certain TESR from a tile entity. How would I disable certain TESRs?
  20. 1. Can you post your code as a GitHub repo? 2. If not, please post your GuiHandler. 3. ITileEntityProvider is legacy vanilla code and should not be used. Override Block#hasTileEntity and Block#createTileEntity instead. 4. BlockBase is bad. Do not abuse inheritance. 5. Judging from the usage of outdated code and unnecessary overriding, you seem to be following a terrible tutorial. I would suggest ditching it. "Hitler is famous, so I should follow whatever he does." "Famous for something bad" is a reason of why you should not follow it.
  21. If I understood correctly, yes. In one of my mods I used subitems for items with different metadata. If needed, you can take a look here. The enum (which turned out to be quite useless in my case) can be viewed here.
  22. You don't have the same problem (as you have logs). Please create your own thread and post your logs.
  23. Try running the jar with the command prompt and post the output.
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