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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. Please post your entire code; that extract of your code won't even compile. Make sure you have valid event subscribers. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure FMLPostInitializationEvent is part of the FML lifecycle event thingy, thus it should be annotated with @EventHandler instead.
  2. I was experimenting with rendering, and would like to explore more in the field of shaders. My questions are: What exactly are shaders? How do shaders work? How to use shaders? Alternatively, are there any resources I can read to get a better understanding of how to use shaders?
  3. I am creating a "wireless power generator" that automatically sends power to my machines in a 35*35*35 area. However, if I iterate through the 35*35*35 area every tick to find all nearby machines, that would probably result in performance issues. Therefore, I was wondering if it is possible to create a custom entity whenever one of my machines is placed, and use World#getEntitiesInAABB to get all nearby machines to send power to. Is this possible? If yes, what are the drawbacks (if any) of this method?
  4. Unrelated: You cannot just name the start of your package com.<yourname>; it should be your domain name. Your can only name your package after a domain if you own the domain.
  5. Please read the EAQ and post the appropriate log(s), especially the log for the
  6. 1. Post your log. 2. Make sure the mods you got are for Minecraft 1.13.2.
  7. If you are talking about 1.13.2, then AFAIK Optifine is not currently Forge compatible. Wait longer.
  8. Is that a crash/debug log (cuz I've never seen a log like that)? If yes, then I apologize for my ignorance. Otherwise, please post the appropriate log as described in the EAQ.
  9. You've only installed 12 core mods, which takes at most 4 game launches to figure out the culprit of the crash (unless the crash is caused by cross-mod integration). 4 game launches is not that broad. Further crashes is not necessarily caused by the same reason as your current crash.
  10. 1. You should create a new PotionEffect each time; do not store it in a static field. 2. You cannot create a field and use it as the cool down value; the field will be “shared” across all players, thus will mess up your cool down. 3. Check World#isRemote to make sure your code is only ran on the server side.
  11. Read the EAQ and provide the appropriate log. Also:
  12. You could make each ore a different block. I'm not sure whether this is encouraged though. IHasModel works, but it is pointless. Every block and item has a model; there is no point for implementing an interface to do so, just iterate through everything and register the model for everything.
  13. Where are you getting your mods though? The file name of your mods are suspicious.
  14. 1. You could just use different blocks. 2. Stop using IHasModel.
  15. You can render the armor individually. Render the skull first, then render the armor.
  16. Remove the mods diesieben07 mentioned one by one until the crash no longer occurs.
  17. Use profiles. Each profile can point to a different directory.
  18. Probably not because your world save is broken. You can edit the world save with another software (might not work in this case though), or delete the world and create a new one.
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