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Everything posted by poopoodice

  1. No, it is looking for a container provider, so just pass an instance of it.
  2. You can replace with your own model through ModelBakeEvent.
  3. Make a new instance of your container.
  4. Is the event called? Have you attach the capability to the players?
  5. Override MobEntity#func_230254_b_ and the you can open the container via NetworkHooks.openGui().
  6. Maybe not in Vector3d, but there's one in Vector3f
  7. You've never use ExampleBlock?
  8. Hey! Thanks for the reply. I'm pretty much figured out how to rotate them, but another question has appeared just like what you've said: displacement. Given the quad I'm not sure where can I get the pivot point, although I can manually type the numbers in but I would like them to be more "automatic", is it possible? Thanks. Edit: Also there is a helper class provided by Forge called QuadTransformer.
  9. Set the block's render type to cutout in client setup using RenderTypeLookUp.
  10. Hey, I'm now trying to add an item model's quads in another item model's IBakedModel#getQuads. In order to do the dynamic part I need to be able to rotate the vertexes, which I'm not sure how to start with. Any information is appreciated : )
  11. Why do you keep adding the same entity to the world every tick? Edit: my bad, misread the code.
  12. What have you tried?
  13. GameSettings.keyBindAttack. You can get the instance of game settings in Minecraft.
  14. You should not be doing the sitting logic on client.
  15. The code you had copied from is old. The name/signature has changed. Minecraft.getInstance().player;
  16. Store the gas tank using Supplier.
  17. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/registries/#deferredregister
  18. Since Item already implements IItemProvider, you can reference them directly, e.g.: //this creates a stack of 5 iron nuggets ItemStack ironNuggets = new ItemStack(Items.IRON_NUGGETS, 5);
  19. There's a list of tooltips provided, you can do whatever you want to it (remove them all, add your custom ones, or even flip them all around...).
  20. You don't need to implement a new IItemProvider as Item already does that... so just use the items in Items.java and create a new ItemStack with it, then add them to the world using World#addEntity.
  21. If you just want to add some simple text to the item use ItemTooltipEvent.
  22. It gives you the coordinate.... you need to render the extra information yourself.
  23. You shouldn't be adding entities on client side, and have you register your entities?
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