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Everything posted by poopoodice

  1. Yes, another class that is client only (means you should not have any reference to that class from server side).
  2. Because when the event is triggered the potion has not yet being applied to the entity. You can use PotionApplicableEvent instead, in there you can set the event result to DENY (see it's javadoc) and apply your own one.
  3. Afaik all rendering events are client only and that includes the two render player event you are using, you should move them to other places.
  4. Apparently by using the code in FIlledMapItem#updateMapData it worked. This is how I render it: int rgb = MaterialColor.COLORS[index / 4].getMapColor(index & 3); Color colour = new Color(rgb); int red = colour.getBlue(); int green = colour.getGreen(); int blue = colour.getRed(); fill(stack, minX, minY, minX + 1, minY + 1, ColorHelper.PackedColor.packColor(255, red, green, blue)); I have to swap red and blue in order to get the correct colour to display. Thanks for the help.
  5. Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PlayerRenderer for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/ You should also post all your code
  6. It should, as ServerPlayerEntity#changeDimention takes ITeleporter as it's second parameter.
  7. Edit: Nvm.. I think there are mods that solves these types of incompatibility, you might want to have a look at them, as there's only one output slot in the crafting table, you can't expect anymore from it.
  8. You can't update entity position on client. You can use Entity#isSneaking and do it on server.
  9. What are you trying to achieve? DeferredRegister#register only takes two parameters, why do you need an itemstack there?
  10. You are overriding the method, you need to call it. You can do that in MobEntity#onInitialSpawn
  11. The constructor of ItemStack is looking for an Item, but you has passed in an Item Supplier. You need to use RegistryObject#get to get the Item from the supplier, for example RegistryObject<Item> MY_ITEM = ..... new ItemStack(MY_ITEM.get());
  12. Hello, so I have successfully created a simple map, but it does not have the effect the vanilla map has. My map: Vanilla map I think in vanilla it is done by creating a set of nearby colours, then apply some maths.... (L119 ~ 210 in updateMapDate in FIlledMapItem). But how come func_226642_a_ goes the other way? func_226642_a_ checks the biome depth of nearby blocks, then change the colour. So I have a few questions here, if I understand them correctly: 1. Why are they plotting colour data in a different way? 2. In func_226642_a_ L245 it checks the graphicalX (mapX) and graphicalZ (mapZ) is greater than 0 and smaller than the map size - 1 (128 - 1 = 127), to prevent when calling func_195954_a_, it is out of bound (since it checks 8 adjacent blocks). Thank you.
  13. You should be able to use MobEntity#setItemStackToSlot
  14. RegistryObject is a type of a supplier, use RegistryObject#get to get the item
  15. I've figure out the problem, I'm stupid that I was using the wrong World#getChunk all time. The one I was previously using: getChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ) is looking for chunk pos not block pos. The correct one (using block pos) should be getChunk(BlockPos pos) Thanks for helping
  16. Just one more question, at where the code stuck mapColourData = new ArrayList<>(); for (int x = getPos().getX() - 100; x < getPos().getX() + 100; x++) { for (int z = getPos().getZ() - 100; z < getPos().getZ() + 100; z++) mapColourData.add(world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, world.getChunk(x, z).getTopBlockY(Heightmap.Type.WORLD_SURFACE, x, z), z)).getMaterial().getColor().colorIndex); } As you said Maybe it's World#getChunk causing lags? If so should I not get chunk for every position instead only get it once and fills up all positions (16x16) in it?
  17. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14knNUYjYkKkGpW9VTyjtlhaCTUsPWRJ91GLOFX2d23Q/edit#gid=0
  18. I noticed that there are two methods: updateMapData and func_226642_a_ updateMapData is called every inventory tick, which I think it updates the blank map according to the player's position. func_226642_a_ seems like it initialize and saves the colour to the map data? I'm not so sure about this one.
  19. Make sure executes() is located in then(). For example .requires(cs -> cs.hasPermissionLevel(0)) .then(Commands.argument("size", FloatArgumentType.floatArg()) .executes(COMMAND));
  20. I tried to update 5 blocks per tick now, but it starts to crash everytime I open the screen (it sometimes crash before), and I've no idea why this happen because it just stop responding instead of crashing. The only line appeared: Preparing crash report with UUID ................. After removing code one by one, I noticed that this method https://github.com/poopoodice/techrecon/blob/main/src/main/java/poopoodice/techrecon/block/recon/ReconUAVTileEntity.java#L65-L92 seems like the problem, but it is weird that the issue only happens when I try to open the screen. Repo: https://github.com/poopoodice/techrecon
  21. I think you will need to add setRequiredTool to the property as well
  22. Hello, I want to draw block colours similar to how maps does it but in a gui. Here's what I do in a tickable tileentity every 100 seconds: public void updateMapColourData() { if (world == null) return; mapColourData = new ArrayList<>(); System.out.println("updating"); for (int x = getPos().getX() - RADIUS; x < getPos().getX() + RADIUS; x++) { for (int z = getPos().getZ() - SCAN_RADIUS; z < getPos().getZ() + SCAN_RADIUS; z++) mapColourData.add(world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, world.getChunk(x, z).getTopBlockY(Heightmap.Type.WORLD_SURFACE, x, z), z)).getMaterial().getColor().colorIndex); } System.out.println("updated"); mapColourDataUpdated = true; markDirty(); } I originally set RADIUS to 100 (which makes up a 200 * 200 area) but the game freezes. Then I set the radius to 10, (20 * 20 area) and it worked, but it took an average of 50 ticks per update just for (20 * 20 area). My assumption is Chunk#getTopBlockY is expensive. If so is there any more efficient way to do this? My alternative plan is instead of update all the areas in one step, update a small area every tick instead. Does it sounds more workable? Any opinion/suggestion is appreciated. 20 * 20 area
  23. Why do you say that?
  24. event.getMatrixStack().scale(0.25f, 0.5f, 0.25f); event.getMatrixStack().pop(); event.getMatrixStack().push(); You should call MatrixStack#push then do your own transformations, and pop afterwards (after finish your rendering). Afaik you can't just scale the player's model there, you need to hide them in Pre and render them yourself in Post.
  25. From what Beethoven92 said, use PlayerEntity#dropItem or just spawn some item entities in the world World#addEntity
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