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Everything posted by poopoodice

  1. He's asking which playSound(...) in which world (client/server) you are using, there are multiple of them.
  2. Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendChatMessage("Block Placed with CHARGE: " + (Integer)blockState.get(CHARGE)); This will crash on server https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/, use the player provided instead. You need to show more of your code
  3. Check IDyeableArmorItem
  4. For me your link is not working.
  5. You are applying a new modifier every tick, you should create a static final modifier, then apply/remove it to the player if the player has the modifier.
  6. show the updated code
  7. You should probably apply modifiers on attributes instead of directly modify their base values.. but I'm not sure if there's anything to do with this.
  8. Mod id can not be capitalized. LivingJumpEvent is triggered whenever a living entity jump, and that includes livings like sheep, chickens, zombies..etc. the default bus of annotation @Mod.EventBusSubscriber is forge already, and it should not be done only on client side.
  9. That's actually a false as public void encode(DataTransferInterfaceMessage msg, PacketBuffer buffer) { buffer.writeVarIntArray(new int[]{territory, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord}); } public DataTransferInterfaceMessage decode(PacketBuffer buffer) { int[] array = buffer.readVarIntArray(); if(array.length!=4) return new DataTransferInterfaceMessage(0,0,80,0); return new DataTransferInterfaceMessage(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]); } they does not reference any data outside the method, hence they can be static These data should be gained from the msg
  10. NBTUtil.writeBlockState()
  11. you can create multiple pools, for every item you want to drop
  12. You need to send a packet to the server and do the teleport there.
  13. 1.7.10 is no longer supported
  14. Good to know, thanks for the reply
  15. Hello, as title, is it possible to generate items based on json created by users, and is it a good idea to do it? Thanks.
  16. These are not supposed to exist in your block class, at least not how like how you use it here. You forgot to add the new state to the state container.
  17. I don't think you can as potion effects handling are done in many places, unless you want to simulate all of them. Override onItemUseFinish and return the stack you want to give to the player, check SoupItem or PotionItem
  18. in 1.16 there's an event called RegisterCommandEvent for you to register all your commands. To create (further processes) a command you can see how vanilla does it, there are quite a lot of them.
  19. He's pretty much telling you to learn from this one instead of the one you were using.
  20. You're right it needs to be above it, apparently I have them mixed up
  21. Licence can't be located above modid
  22. The github link isn't working (at least for me), and it will help a lot if you can also post the crash log.
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