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Everything posted by poopoodice

  1. Maybe try replace models.item to models/item, or even recreate them because sometimes there are little errors that can't be found by just looking at them
  2. Well that's what the error said somehow
  3. It should be assets/modid, but what you have there does not match your modid
  4. You can check ForgeInGameGui/InGameGui, there are a lot of similar rendering going on there.
  5. They are the same thing, which @OnlyIn(Dist.CLIENT) is the replacement of that in newer versions. Also quote from the docs
  6. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/#reaching-across-logical-sides If you look into Minecraft.java, it has a annotation on it @OnlyIn(Dist.CLIENT) tells you this is only available on a specific side https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/#fmlenvironmentdist-and-onlyin
  7. no, it's client only
  8. Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft My guess is you are using Minecraft in somewhere that's not on client
  9. Upload a repo, it seems like there's a "sides" problem https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/
  10. You may find this interesting: Another idea is to see how parrots sit on the player's shoulders.
  11. We don't know what the tutorial is, therefore we have no idea what do you mean by "didn't work" and "different from the tutorial". Are you trying to launch minecraft client?
  12. I would say use RenderPlayerEvent.Post to render extra parts of players
  13. Better not to set the base value, instead apply a modifier on it.
  14. Are you using render player event to render your own thing? The event is called whenever the player is being rendered hence you can have same update rate as the player.
  15. iirc it's hard coded, you can't stop it from happening in normal solutions
  16. From my experience the motion of player is (0.0, -0.0784000015258789, 0.0) when still is because there's gravitational (downward) acceleration, and the unit should be blocks/tick.
  17. setAllowedSpawnTypes(boolean hostile, boolean peaceful) in World and public void checkDespawn() in MobEntity
  18. My IDE says onDifficultyChange(Difficulty difficulty, Difficulty oldDifficulty) in ForgeHooks is never called in all places, not sure why is this happening
  19. What and where you want to do this?
  20. I don’t think doing that on client (mc) would work, what do you want to do?
  21. see how doors, beds, tall bush blocks.. etc does it.
  22. in client setup RenderTypeLookup.setRenderLayer(block, rendertype);
  23. not sure if this is related but in BlockSnapshot @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 73 * hash + this.getMeta(); hash = 73 * hash + this.getDimId(); hash = 73 * hash + this.getPos().hashCode(); hash = 73 * hash + this.getRegistryName().hashCode(); hash = 73 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.getNbt()); return hash; } maybe it is not used directly?
  24. It looks fine, please always specify where/what/how is it not working, we aren't psychics 😛
  25. override fillStateContainer() and add your property to the builder
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