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Everything posted by poopoodice

  1. Sorry, you're right, I mean ItemStack (edited)
  2. At the moment I'm still using integers to save them (the nbt tags only contains the blocks I made), similar to the metadata in previous versions, I store their blockstate as int and then turn them back into blockstate when need them. I would like to know is there a way to save blockstates on itemstacks other than this way or capabilities?
  3. Apparently there are some errors that we can't identify at the moment at the model file, since I'm able to use another model rather than the one that op gave.
  4. I can't seem to find where the error is, but when I delete your blockstate and model file and recreate them it worked.
  5. https://github.com/TechnoVisionDev/Minecraft-1.15.2-Modding-Tutorial/blob/master/src/main/java/com/technovision/tutorial/util/RegistryHandler.java#L20-L21 You did not do the same thing here, he/she has ITEMS.register(FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus()); BLOCKS.register(FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus()); and you have ITEMS.register(FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus()); ITEMS.register(FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus()); Block items are basically items, you can register them as items (like how you do with other items)
  6. Potion effect might be a easier way to do this (just my suggestion), but there should be other more proper ways to do this.
  7. I believe Food is a property, and the food itself is an item
  8. Food is a property, and Foods is a class that has foods there, sounds pretty straight forward isn't it.?
  9. https://github.com/JoeA42/MinecraftModTutorial/blob/master/src/main/java/com/JoeA42/tutorial/Util/RegistryHandler.java#L22-L23 you did not register your block here instead you registered your items twice, therefore it can not recognize what RUBY_BLOCK is public static final RegistryObject<Item> RUBY_BLOCK_ITEM = ITEMS.register("ruby_block", () -> new BlockItemBase(RUBY_BLOCK.get()));
  10. I believe player clone event might be the thing you are looking for.
  11. I think tick is called only if you use world.getPendingTick.scheduleTick (check redstone repeater/comparator)
  12. I'm curious about them as well. It seems like temperature is use to interact with other things such as snow golem. Also I don't think the scale represents the size when most of the biomes has value of 0.2f (even small end islands), but only ocean has 0.1f. Edit: I think you may be right that the scale may represent the "thickness" of the biome surface, since plain has 0.05 as mentioned, beach has 0.025, and tall biomes such as mountains (0.5), snowy mountains(0.3) have higher scale, maybe it represents the average of blocks of the the surface of the biome has in a certain location, such as ?? blocks in (0, x, 0). Pure guessing
  13. I like piskelapp the most, especially for small textures
  14. You can use capabilities or nbt tags to store data, and you will probably want to just use the playerIn in onItemRightClick() instead
  15. edit: sorry, quote deleted Check vanilla cauldron blockstate and models
  16. why use mc.player instead of the player already given? and you should probably store the cooldown in nbts
  17. Check CraftingScreen for more details or create your own Button Class
  18. Latest version is always the first choice since 1.12 is not in long term support anymore, my suggestion is to move onto 1.15
  19. I guess this is your problem btw 1.12 is no longer being supported here
  20. https://github.com/TheDeadlyWaffle/Spiritcraft-mod/blob/master/main/resources/data/spiritcraft/recipes/soul_stone_wall_from_soul_stone_stonecutting.json#L6 remove the blank space in the "result": "spiritcraft:soul_stone_wall ", L__here and I dont understand why the error only occur when you add the gem_pedestal, maybe you add the recipe while you add the gem_pedestal?
  21. Took me a while, but in Spiritcraft-mod/main/resources/data/spiritcraft/recipes/soul_stone_wall_from_soul_stone_stonecutting.json
  22. Make sure you are not using characters that aren't listed above in your resource locations
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