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Everything posted by BlockyPenguin

  1. I thought I'd seen some CF mods that said do not put them in a modpack... they're few and far between, anyway. Also, I've made several private modpacks for me and some friends to play, and they worked a-ok, without much conflicting. Any that did occur was usually fixable with a mod such as crafttweaker
  2. I would suggest using the CurseForge desktop app. It's still in development, but you can create a new "profile", and when you add mods, it'll automatically install all it's dependencies, and when there's an update available it'll tell you. When you're ready, you can export the profile as a .zip file and upload it to curseforge. ModPack done! Do beware though that some mod developers don't allow their mods to be in a modpack. Hope that helps!
  3. I've added jitpack.io to my build.gradle repositories, like so: buildscript { repositories { maven { url = 'https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven' } jcenter() mavenCentral() maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } dependencies { classpath group: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle', name: 'ForgeGradle', version: '3.+', changing: true } } and I've added a mod to my dependecies: dependencies { minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.16.4-35.1.4' compile fg.deobf('com.github.ThatBlockyPenguin:LabKore:v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT') } However, it only seems to check files.minecraftforge.net/maven/, as this came up in the log: Caused by: org.gradle.internal.resolve.ModuleVersionNotFoundException: Could not find com.github.ThatBlockyPenguin:LabKore:v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. Searched in the following locations: - https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/com/github/ThatBlockyPenguin/LabKore/v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml - https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/com/github/ThatBlockyPenguin/LabKore/v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/LabKore-v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom - https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/com/github/ThatBlockyPenguin/LabKore/v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/LabKore-v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar How do I fix this? Thanks, ~BlockyPenguin
  4. Ah ok, thank you!
  5. Oh thanks! I'm assuming fg.deobf() would be somewhere in my build.gradle? I know very little about gradle, any pointers are appreciated, thanks!
  6. Hi! I'd like to consolidate most of my "Util" code into a separate library mod, so that other mods I make can depend on it and use it, without me having to write it twice. How would I go about doing this?
  7. Ok, thank you very much!
  8. So, I've found Minecraft.getInstance().getResourceManager(), which returns resourceManager which is an IReloadableResourceManager. However,it returns it as an IResourceManager, which does not have the addReloadListener method. I've also found MinecraftServer.getResourceManager(), which does return an IReloadableResourceManager. I can get it using Minecraft.getInstance().getIntegratedServer().getResourceManager(). Would this work on singleplayer though?
  9. That class doesn't exist... The closest I found is IReloadableResourceManager, which eclipse can't seem to see any methods in. IReloadableResourceManager is an interface, so that would be why. What do I do? EDIT: About the shortcuts, I'll have a look at mine
  10. Sorry if it's obvious, but what class does addReloadListener belong to?
  11. Haha, thanks vemerion
  12. Ah, shame. Glad it brought you a laugh though! Also, back to OP's post, not sure how relevant it is, but any LivingEntity has two methods: isPartying and setPartying. It's what parrots use for jukebox detection. Hope it helps!
  13. Today (22/10/20) I reached 100 posts!

  14. Isn't there a thing where they stand on their hind legs and shimmy? Or was that scrapped...
  15. So I've created something that should work, but how exactly do I register it? EDIT: Looking at other classes, I feel like I'd need to create my own registry. Am I correct?
  16. Ah ok, thank you, I'll take a look
  17. Yeah, it's like more recipes, except it's information that a mod can specify about it's item, so I can't use a recipe serializer.
  18. Hi! So I'd like to add a new "type" of json file to modid/assets (EDIT: actually modid/data. Sorry). Obviously I know how to create folders and files, but how would I get my mod to read it? I've had a look at IRecipe, but I'm still not 100% sure how it gets called, etc.
  19. you'll need to download java https://www.java.com/en/download/
  20. Oh? How would you do it then? @Crazy_sheep event.getEntity will give you the Entity, which I called creeper
  21. ah ok, yep, that clears it up. thanks!
  22. It would be something on the lines of CompoundNBT nbt = creeper.serializeNBT(); //edit nbt here, example: nbt.putBoolean("powered", true); creeper.deserializeNBT(nbt); I should imagine that would work, but I haven't tested it. By the sounds of it, you don't know much about modding for forge. That's ok, we've all been there at the beginning! I suggest you read the documentation (mcforge.readthedocs.io), watch/read tutorials (Cadiboo has some great ones), and go from there. Good luck!
  23. Also, sorry, i forgot to ask, what do you mean by "hit collision"? what the difference between collision and hit collision?
  24. So, you have this: package ultrahardcore.ultrahardcore.events; import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.living.LivingSpawnEvent; import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; import ultrahardcore.ultrahardcore.UltraHardCore; @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = UltraHardCore.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE, value = Dist.CLIENT) public class Events { @SubscribeEvent public void autoChargeCreeper(LivingSpawnEvent event) { // help me make the creepers charged } } First, this is not necessary, but I would suggest changing your package declaration to be something like "crazy_sheep.ultrahardcore.events". However, as I said, this is not necessary and is just a good code practice. There are various other ways to style your package, I suggest you look into them 😄 Second, "value = Dist.CLIENT" is only going to be bad news. You want your events firing on both the server and client, so leave it blank. this way, forge will assume that you want your events to run on both sides. There are other ways to register an event handler, but I won't go over those here. However, to @diesieben07 I have now been looking through CreeperEntity for a while, and haven't found how to set it's powered state... EDIT: I guess nbt is a viable route
  25. ah, thank you I'll give it a go.
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