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Everything posted by Novârch

  1. You can use KeyBind#getLocalizedName to get what you want here.
  2. Ironically, allocating that much RAM to Minecraft would probably slow it down.
  3. Make you own thread, and if you're using 1.12, it isn't supported here anymore.
  4. Items are singletons, there is only one instance of them therefor you cannot just put variables in them. You should write these values to the NBT of the ItemStack your item is in. Edit: On a separate note, if you call that method from a clientside event (like a keybind press) it won't do anything without packets, just use the methods provided to you from Item.
  5. Did you try adding it manually?
  6. 1.8 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  7. You can, but you won't get help here.
  8. Of course it isn't, I meant that he should at least test it.
  9. Why don't you just try to set the date on the mappings to today?
  10. Do you ever call this method, if not your capability will always be null. Call that method in FMLCommonSetupEvent.
  11. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern of Minecraft to receive support.
  12. Well, it's on the file site, I guess it's still experimental though.
  13. What's happened to the dimension system in 1.16? It seems that it has been completely overhauled (fitting for a nether update), is Forge's mod dimension system even finished?
  14. 1.12 is no longer a supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  15. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  16. Tomorrow, June 23, Minecraft 1.16 is releasing and with it a new version of Forge, does this mean that 1.15 will no longer be supported on this forum in favor of 1.14(LTS) and 1.16(Latest) or will it stay supported for while?
  17. Post it to an external site, like GitHub gist or pastebin.
  18. Just tried that, doesn't log anything, it isn't null and it most likely can't be null because in the two places that I call World#addEntity to add the entity the master is always set, and the entity is immediately killed if the master is null, as seen in this line.
  19. I check if it's null before writing, where else should I check?
  20. I've created a custom entity that has a player as it's master, it's important to me to have this data on both sides for performing certain actions through packets, so I implement IEntityAdditionalSpawnData on it and write the master's entityID as an int and read it back on the client. This has worked perfectly for the last 17 entities I've made, but for some reason isn't working for the last one I made, this makes no sense as all of the entities inherit from a super class that calls the read and write methods, none of the child classes even override the methods. The debug.log I get can be found here, the entity's code here and the superclass that calls the read and write methods here.
  21. To check if you're on the server use World#isRemote, if it returns false you're on the server, if it's true you're on the client.
  22. Are you calling the super method that takes the RGB values in your model? A lot of people do this: @Override public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack, IVertexBuilder buffer, int packedLight, int packedOverlay, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) { Model.render(matrixStack, buffer, packedLight, packedOverlay); } Note that the method takes in RGB and alpha, but calls a render method that doesn't take those values in, if that doesn't work you can always replace the vanilla rendering logic with your own, take a look at LivingRenderer if you're interested.
  23. 1.12 is no longer support on this forum, please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  24. What HUD? If you're looking for how vanilla renders it's HUD, you can find the vanilla source code in your project's libraries.
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