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Everything posted by Maxi07

  1. That was a bug in forge 1.16.2-33.0.0. Update server and client to 1.16.2-33.0.2 (or newer) and it should work. 1.16.2-33.0.2 Changelog: https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.16.2-33.0.2/forge-1.16.2-33.0.2-changelog.txt
  2. Then why 20200723 is not the default in build.gradle? And will there be another way to check for newer mapping besides discord?
  3. Yes, thats weird. I figured out I can message the forge bot (forge-bot#9014) on discord with !mcpv and get the newest mappings I can use which is right now 20200723-1.16.1, but it seems like this is a non stable mapping and it is recommended to use the default mapping 20200514-1.16. But I use this mapping anyway and I have no problems. It seems like this is not a normal mcp mapping from mcpbot but instead a modified version which I think is called mcpconfig (but I am not sure) And the upcomming system is called MMMS / MMS (but I dont know what will be happening to mcp) I want to hear more about the progress too
  4. I am making progress... I added repositories { flatDir { dir 'libs' } } and implementation fg.deobf('maxi.simpledev:simpledev-1.16.1:1.0') to my build.gradle and run .\gradlew --refresh-dependencies .\gradlew genEclipseRuns eclipse again... It only works halfway: Eclipse always says: "Source not found". Maybe it is this problem: My build.gradle has this default line: jar.finalizedBy('reobfJar') But my jar is not obfuscated, I can use an online decompiler and can read my code (only one subclass where I override one function, the function is only numbers and letters) But then, why I need fg.deobf if it does not do anything (it seems like)? Edit: Maybe a multi-build project is easier?
  5. I think the main problem is you have capital letters in your resource location.
  6. I think you can't change transparency using resource packs
  7. Quoted from the example mod mdk: You may put jars on which you depend on in ./libs or you may define them like so.. Just putting the in ./libs does not work... But now I found this: repositories { flatdir { dir 'libs' } } ---------------------------------------------------------- I will try this
  8. Thanks for helping, but this is only for forge, to say the mod is missing instead of just crashing
  9. Okay... Just to make sure I got it right: What does reobf do? (Sorry for asking)
  10. I don't fully understand this, but enough for me to say that I don't want this problem. So you recommend using mavenLocal... I dont know what this is and how I can get it working, but I will try it. And could you please give a few examples or, even better, a guide?
  11. What about that "libs" folder I have heard of?
  12. Tip: you can declare your blockstates: final BlockState BLUEBERRY_BUSH = Registry.BLUEBERRY_BUSH.get().getDefaultState().with(BlueberryBush.AGE, 3); final BlockState RASPBERRY_BUSH = Registry.RASPBERRY_BUSH.get().getDefaultState().with(RaspberryBush.AGE, 3); right in front of your for loop (inside the event) as local variables, so you can reuse the blockstates without havining the static initializer problem. And consider using a DeferredWorkQueue: DeferredWorkQueue example: private void commonSetup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event) { DeferredWorkQueue.runLater(() -> { //Your Code }); } For more see here: https://championash5357.github.io/ChampionAsh5357/tutorial/minecraft/1.16.1/basic/ore_gen
  13. @Crazzy4999 Thanks for helping, but I think this not what I want. I am pretty sure a have to add something to my build.gradle, but because I dont know anything about gradle I dont know what. What I want: In all mods I am able to use the minecraft classes like "Item" and "Block" (e.g. "new Item(new Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS))" )
  14. I think I want the first option: I want to have this mod as a dependency for every other mod But what do I have to do, to get this working?
  15. I have made a mod which contains a few class I need across other mods. I want to use the code of this mod like I can use the minecraft and forge code in all my mods. Unfortunately I dont know anything about gradle and was unable to find something helpful... I have built the jar of my lib mod with gradlew build and now I want to use it in my other mods, what do I have to do? Thanks for helping!
  16. You can check your java bei running "java -version" and "javac -version" in ps/cmd
  17. Now I switched entirely to DeferredRegisters and everything works fine
  18. Do you mean I should switch inertly switch to DeferredRegister? Or what should I change?
  19. Okay, now I created a new repository and uploaded a few files. I hope this is what you need https://github.com/07maxi/OresCores
  20. I dont know anything about github and repos... Should I learn it now or are there other ways too?
  21. This is outdated... I dont call .get() there. Only later in the item event (which is fired after the block event). Aren't the advantages of RegistryObject, that the Block is only quarried when I call .get()? (Sorry for bad english)
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