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Everything posted by Beethoven92

  1. public static final ResourceLocation FLUID_SYSTEM = new ResourceLocation(Industry.MOD_ID, "tags/blocks/fluid_system.json"); I think you do not need to specify the whole path here
  2. They are basically the same. With the annotation method you can also specify the Dist where this event handler will be loaded on. What is wrong with your code is that your method is not declared as static. Take a look here for more info on events: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/events/intro/
  3. Well, the error seems to be pretty straight forward, there is one config file that is not valid, the one for the Collective mod. try deleting that file. If that doesn't solve the issue, please, post the debug log
  4. You forgot to register your entity attributes
  5. You cannot use that decompiled code in your IDE at all..question, do you know Java?
  6. You named your blockstate folder "Block_states". It has to be "blockstates"
  7. Are you using data generators for loot tables? I suggest you look at how vanilla define the loot table for the gravel block (to which your block seems to be similar regarding drops) and try to mimic it
  8. It seems that this problem was already reported to the author: https://github.com/BlakeBr0/IronJetpacks/issues
  9. If i understand this correctly, when you break your block you never get the block itself as a drop, but rather you are getting only flint, am i correct?
  10. The lang file has nothing to do with textures and models..the problem here is that your block have different registry name from their respective block items. Here: https://github.com/WeRandom/My-Butiful-Test-Mod/blob/main/Test Mod - Copy/src/main/java/com/_shadow_/test/setup/ModBlocks.java
  11. The registry names of your blocks and items contains invalid character, specifically capital letters
  12. Something seems to be wrong with a config file, did you touch something? net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigFileTypeHandler$ConfigLoadingException: Failed loading config file ironjetpacks-server.toml of type SERVER for modid ironjetpacks
  13. Please, post a link to your repository so we can see the whole code...those few lines of code are completely decontextualized and it is very hard to tell what you are actually doing
  14. You just need to place your texture file in the correct place, and then reference it from your renderer class...you coul take a look at how other vanilla renderers reference textures for their models
  15. If your custom beacon container has the same function as the vanilla container why not just having your container inherit from the BeaconContainer class (keep in mind that you would still need to override the proximity check)? This way the server side check when using the confirm button won't fail
  16. This is not the right log. Post the debug log please. Also remove Optifine and try without it, it may not be the problem and the game may crash again but at least the log won't be filled with Optifine stuff
  17. Oh..yeah, the problem is here: protected GrassWalkerEnchament() { super(Enchantment.Rarity.VERY_RARE, EnchantmentType.ARMOR_FEET, new EquipmentSlotType[] {EquipmentSlotType.FEET}); this.name = "grass_walker"; } You don't need to assign a name to your enchantment using the name field...you already registered your enchantment with your mod id and the enchantment id, thats all the game needs
  18. Events: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/events/intro/
  19. You could look at how vanilla minecraft load its .nbt structure files. the Igloo is a pretty simple one, so it would be a good place to start. You can find other examples about loading structures from file here: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge
  20. Yep, thats the problem your ModBeaconContainer is not a BeaconContainer, so the check that server does when handling the beacon packet always fails. This means your confirm button does basically nothing more than just closing the gui
  21. No one will be able to help you if you do not provide any log
  22. Only the first one is correct...i think the problem is that your lang file may be invalid..post a link to your repository please
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