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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Which is what data packs are for.
  2. You bound your own texture. You need to rebind the vanilla texture when you're done. AbstractGui.GUI_ICONS_LOCATION (iirc) Also, iirc, that event is called multiple times. You should pick one element.
  3. Blue bar at the top of every page:
  4. If it has the default missing texture texture, then the game spat out an error of where it expected to find the texture but did not.
  5. The player is rendered in the inventory, which counts as rendering in a GUI. But if you want a planet rotation effect, you can achieve it with a 2D scrolling image and a mask: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/147193/imitate-a-textured-sphere-in-2d
  6. Super unclear description was super unclear. No, I don't think you can do that. Mostly because if the player tosses a stack of 64 at once (open inventory, pick up stack, drop stack outside the inventory UI--or shift-Q) that's basically the same as doing that twice with two stacks of 32. Or 64 times with a stack of 1.
  7. That statement makes no sense. No different-item stacks will merge, ever.
  8. No. If you don't want your stacks to merge, make those stacks not equal.
  9. so...flip flop your positive and negative values...
  10. ...you're already doing that. You're getting its facing already and YOU are the one that decides how fast it moves, which is what the 2.0D is.
  11. If you already know how to handle multithreading properly, then go ahead. If you don't, then I highly recommend not doing it.
  12. Oh ffs entityIn.setVelocity(v.x - 2.0D, v.y, v.z); Though you'll probably have to fiddle with the 2 value (probably something more like 0.2). Because think about what should happen if the player stands still (the conveyor belt moves him at a constant speed) and what happens if the player moves against the belt (the player should move slowly, which direction is up to you, but either way the two velocities are fighting) and what happens if the player moves in the same direction as the belt (the player should move faster). Right now you're only getting "the player moves faster." But that faster is either "in the direction the player is already moving (your original code) or "in the direction the belt is moving" (what poopdice suggested) so a player trying to go against the flow of the belt gets rocketed backwards!
  13. That and all you're doing is making the player faster in whatever direction they're already going. You want to add velocity.
  14. (1) this thread is fucking old (2) "raycasting" is more expensive than overdraw
  15. Option A: submodels Option B: TileEntity renderer
  16. That means that the TE data wasn't sync'd to the client. Server has no fucking clue about color and your client-side TE doesn't know diddly about the server side copy.
  17. I'm sure there are other ways to go about it, but they amount to basically this.
  18. It's text.... The forum supports text, you can just copy and paste. You want code formatting, click the <> button. If there was an issue with your code and I wanted to fix it, I'd have to completely retype your code if you post an image. You post text I can edit it.
  19. Why are you posting text as images?
  20. Don't tick unless water. You're going to need to uncomment and modify randomTick. Also, this block probably shouldn't be a literal crop, its going to fire off crop growth events, but by not being a plant you're going to get weird behavior when other mods come along and mess with how long plants grow.
  21. Your first thought when modding should always be: "I wonder if any existing vanilla blocks have this feature. Maybe I should go look at their classes to see how they handle it..."
  22. Show youre mcmod.info file and your Main class. Also, proxy classes are out of date and no longer needed. It is likely that your helistosmodItem class (which is badly named) is also useless. See:
  23. world#getBlockState
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