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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Or you could do that.
  2. Use metadata instead. Every random updateTick, increase the metadata by 1, then display an icon based on the metadata. What you're doing now is not going to work, as the Block class is a singleton.
  3. EntityLivingBase#canSpawnHere(...) ?
  4. if(event.distance > 1) { event.distance -= 1; } Seriously. Math. Use it.
  5. Look for a case statement. There's one main one that takes the block ID and passes off the rendering for certain blocks in various ways. Grass may have its own, if not it falls into a standard cube renderer.
  6. Ok i don't exactly know how to do this, so where is the grass block rendered? Giant class called RenderBlocks.java, if I recall correctly. I don't recommend looking through it, it's not organized in a fashion that will help you.
  7. Render in multiple passes. In the second pass render the overlay texture with the color multiplier.
  8. Also watch out for Client-side only constructors. EntityFireball has one and has caused a headache or two.
  9. I don't think blocks like having bounds outside a full cube.
  10. You don't need to implement or use any packets to synch inventories. My guess is that somewhere along the line you've improperly set up your gui / container / tileentity classes, but I wouldn't know where to look.
  11. 1) Gradle subforum. 2) Are you downloading the right thing? I just checked the Forge-latest source link and it contained gradlew.bat, as expected.
  12. Why don't you look at the source for the vanilla blocks that do what you want and figure it out.
  13. Fuck, you really can't look at vanilla to see how it handles it? Open BlockLeavesBase, BlockBreakable, BlockGlass, BlockPortal, BlockLeaves, or BlockIce and see how that block does it. It's really simple, really obvious, and has a freaking javadoc about transparency and rendering.
  14. As it happens, I cannot read minds or remote view your screen.
  15. Like the item function isMap() that is used by nothing (there's actually one reference, fairly obscure). Maps rendering in item frames is handled by if(containedItem == Item.Map) which makes extending ItemMapBase for any reason a real annoyance.
  16. What does this mean
  17. Mojang code. Learn to deal with it. In time you will come to love it.
  18. Define "does not work"
  19. And without the crash log, we can't help you.
  20. You didn't set the leaf block to be transparent. Look at BlockIce
  21. The file name does not match the string that you're telling minecraft to look for.
  22. I know what the problem is. "log_redstone.png.png" doesn't match "log_redstone" (file name you specified) + ".png" (implied file extension).
  23. Air. Block ID 0 is null in vanilla.
  24. Block#updateTick()? World#scheduleUpdateTick()?
  25. And the material variable is going unused. Either pass it to super, or get rid of it.
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