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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. EntityLivingBase onEntityUpdate() and handleWaterMovement()
  2. I know I've found what causes drowning and swimming and it's "get the block I'm in. Is its material water? If yes, do X, if not do Y."
  3. You would have to make your fluid use Material.water All entities check for Material.water for water-behavior (drowning, swimming, etc.) (pro-tip: you can't drown in lava)
  4. entities.get(i) is an EntitySheep. What you traced out is that entity as a String, which came with extra data. Object data exposed by its toString() method ↓ "EntitySheep['Sheep'/19, l='New World', x=29.07, y=4.00, z=-787.93]" ↑ Class of the object
  5. That's because your variable entity is a List and is not an instance of EntitySheep. It does however, contain sheep.
  6. Seriously, you couldn't open the thread titled "Forge 804 install http 403 forbidden error [RESOLVED]"?
  7. You are making no sense. Do you mean a map? A Dimension? Or a World?
  8. if(someEntity instanceof EntitySheep) { EntitySheep aSheep = (EntitySheep)someEntity; }
  9. Even so, I'm pretty sure it's going to be monstrously huge. That and I highly doubt its going to catch on. Besides, if you want to produce something people will actually use, you might consider making it a desktop application, rather than an iPad one. Because how else are those poor schlubs without iphads supposed to use it? (If they're running Minecraft you already know they've got a PC!)
  10. I hope you're ready for an app that is several gigabytes in size. What with all the textures and GUI elements, example screenshots, and so on and so forth from every mod ever made.
  11. No, it's called a new rendering class. I know it's possible, as Mystcraft has "overcast" weather which is what you're looking for. I just don't know how its done.
  12. It's called "ignore the random seed."
  13. AABB is an AxisAlignedBoundingBox, yes. Think of an AABB as a volume of blocks that must be cuboid in shape: it has width, height, and depth, as well as location.
  14. 256 and up won't work. Because the vanilla terrain generators deal with block IDs as a byte.
  15. Try the parent class, BlockBasePressurePlate.
  16. There is a way to do it that won't take "days" but it is math heavy. Essentially you'd have two loops (nested) that run from (0,0,0) to (hue1, hue2, hue3), depending on what the hue is (for red, it would be (255,0,0)). The other loop would run from those values over to (y,y,y) for the black-to-white gradient. Then you'd need a slider bar to change the hue value. (You'd want to look up HVS to RGB conversion algorithms).
  17. Don't use onEntityWalking. It's flaky and you'd have to figure out how to determine powered status (and sending the redstone signal wouldn't do anything! You'd need the signal, then the walking!) Look at pressure plates instead. There's a world.getEntitiesInAABB function. You'll want to copy that and add it to the onNeighborBlockChanged function (or wherever you're getting your redstone activation at) and do your shearing inside there. Look at the sheers to see how they work.
  18. par5EntityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem().itemID == redDye.itemID
  19. There's also Tessellator#setBrightness(int)
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