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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. "darkgems.png" setTextureName("darkgems:darkgem"); darkgem != darkgems
  2. Don't use timers.... Count ticks. Even if your timer worked, you'd find that if the player pauses the game the timer will keep ticking. Which is not correct.
  3. Adding an override annotation and changing nothing else is going to Jack and Shite. Some annotations do things at runtime....the Override one is not one of them.
  4. setTextureName("modid:texturefile");
  5. Vanilla makes no distinctions between placed and natural blocks.
  6. In b4 "but that throws an error that tells me to remove the override!" BECAUSE YOUR FUNCTION ISN'T THE SAME AS THE ONE IN ITEM. Go get the correct function, including parameters, and try again.
  7. Ok. There are TEN THOUSAND functions in the Minecraft and Forge workspace. I can't tell you what "they" were changed to, because I don't know what you're trying to do and I am sure as hell not going to list ALL of them.
  8. Per question: probably not. Which version? There's only a thousand of them...
  9. By the way, "Block.blocksList[l].isBlockReplaceable(world, i, j, k)" won't just explode on water. It'll explode on a whole host of other things too. Like snow, lava, tall grass, and many mod blocks such as mod added liquids and gasses. I even have a mod that creates a solid block you can walk on, but has no outline, no texture, and can be replaced by other blocks. Dimensional Doors uses a isReplacable block for the volume-material of its pocket dimensions.
  10. 0xFF00CC can be stored as an integer flat. You don't need to save hex values as strings. However: Long.parseLong("AA0F245C", 16);
  11. What functions are you interested in?
  12. Use latitudes and longitudes. You'll get close enough to an even distribution.
  13. I recently used it for a mob, as I needed something that could use AI behaviours (like tempt) but was also flying. I still ended up coding a lot of stuff myself (tempt didn't work properly) but it gave me a good foundation.
  14. Grab Project Zulu. It's open source and covers everything.
  15. Here's one I did a few days ago. Note: this is not on Gradle. I assume you are not using Gradle, as you are not in the Gradle subfurm. @ForgeSubscribe public void onSoundLoad(SoundLoadEvent event) { FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[Decay] Loading sounds..."); try { event.manager.addSound("decayingworld:rock1.ogg"); event.manager.addSound("decayingworld:rock2.ogg"); } catch (Exception e) { FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "[Decay] Failed adding sound file."); FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "[Decay] " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
  16. Having a container open involves a lot of voodoo. You can't spoof that. Opening a chest actually DOES stuff on the server side so the server knows what inventory you're interacting with.
  17. You know...its like sheers...
  18. You can't. Client side is visual only. If you want something to function like you have described, it would need to be a mod that is installed on the server.
  19. If you're having issues using the WorldSavedData, you can read and write files through Java's native file IO, including NBT data by using CompressedStreamTools. String fileName = "mySavedData.dat"; File myFile = new File(DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory(), fileName); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(myFile); //this makes it per-world DataInputStream instream = new DataInputStream(fis); nbt = CompressedStreamTools.read(instream); CompressedStreamTools.write(nbt, myFile); instream.close(); fis.close(); I have a small mod I made that NEEDED to be able to do this, as I was going to be saving an abnormally large amount of data and wanted to be able to access sections of it without loading all of it, and needed an arbitrary number of data points. (Average usage seems to clock in at around 30 files each storing 129kb of data)
  20. Its not hard. Annoying sure, but not hard.
  21. Because your inventory item is of Class Item, you need to implement an IItemRenderer to override the default 2D item renderer.
  22. Sure you can. Doing it won't replace the vanilla version though.
  23. You're still not referencing that class. At all. public static Item OPingotPickaxe = new ItemAxe(2000, toolOPingot).setUnlocalizedName("OPickaxe");
  24. Dude. You're not referencing "ItemSingotPickaxe" in your main mod. OF COURSE it's not going to "work"
  25. And your main mod file?
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