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Everything posted by HMPerson1

  1. Both of the logs show that you're on Forge 436.
  2. If you're installing Forge on a server, you shouldn't need to unzip the minecraft_server.jar. Follow these installation instructions.
  3. Try deleting the config (but make a backup first!). Since TOC obviously doesn't use Forge's config system, I couldn't tell you where the config is.
  4. Tp_Ninja: Logs? Zottelchen: FML Logs for both the host client and the connecting client please.
  5. Go bug chickenbones about that. It's a problem with NEI.
  6. Does it happen with a new world?
  7. Logs?
  8. Check if any of the mods you've installed on the server are client-side only.
  9. Could you post the code that you're getting the ShapedOreRecipe?
  10. Make sure the configs match. lucas1998, would you mind adding this ^^ to the O-EAQ? It may not be the solution to this particular problem, but it could be for many SMP issues.
  11. Try decompiling in a folder that's not in your user directory (i.e. C:/Modding)
  12. Try running the server without any mods except for FML and Forge and see if you still get console spamming.
  13. Submit a PR here.
  14. Wait for ExtrabiomesXL to update.
  15. I think it's probably easier if you just used a launcher like MultiMC.
  16. On a mac, you can't actually delete that folder by normal means. Unzip your jar, then use the command line zip utility to rezip your jar. Don't the folder option.
  17. I think those recipes (pistons, chests) are of type ShapedOreRecipe, not the vanilla ShapedRecipe.
  18. What are those defaults?
  19. Forge never re-assigns block or item ID's. It only auto-assigns a block or item ID when mod is creating a new config file. If Forge finds a block ID conflict with pre-existing configs, it will crash.
  20. Please post .minecraft/ForgeModLoader-client-0.log
  21. java.lang.RuntimeException: A download error occured Read the EAQ.
  22. Slot 204 is already occupied by forestry.energy.gadgets.BlockEngine@7657d63 when adding portalgun.common.block.BlockPortalMod@180af260 Change the configs of either Forestry or PortalGun, whichever one you installed last.
  23. How is it possible then that FML was able to find and load a zip file located in your mods folder? 2012-11-23 20:33:26 [ForgeModLoader] Searching C:\Users\Mito\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods for mods 2012-11-23 20:33:26 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file mod_MobTalker.zip
  24. You kinda have to have BuildCraft installed to use Additional Pipes...
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