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Everything posted by uSkizzik

  1. Please use a paste site for your logs. Some paste sites are pastebin.com and gist.github.com Anyways, your issue seems to be caused by dungeon crawl.
  2. Why don't you guys read the rules and the pins before posting... Anyways, 1.12 is not supported on this forum. Please update to a newer version of Minecraft to receive support.
  3. Yup, as suspected, your field is static meaning that it's bound to the class and not to a specific instance of your entity. All entities will share this variable meaning that if one sets it to true, it changes for the other ones too. Please learn basic Java before modding.
  4. Can you share your code?
  5. So, I have a flying entity which I want to be rideable. I already got the rideable and controlling part except for up and down. How would I check if the player is pressing their jump or sprint keybind so I can change the entity's Y velocity?
  6. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a newer version of Minecraft to receive support.
  7. You can look for 1.12.2 and 1.7.10 tutorials somewhere else since older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported on this forum Though we'll gladly help out with newer versions (currently, 1.17 and 1.16 are the only ones supported).
  8. I've heard that there are issues with LWJGL on M1 macs because Apple decided to do some stuff that broke it.
  9. Never dealt with advancements before. Also, I recommend using data gen.
  10. Harvest Level & Harvest Tool were moved to Tags because of vanilla. They're now requires<Tier>Tool (eg requiresIronTool) and mineable/<Tool> (It's a directory, eg mineable/pickaxe).
  11. 1.15 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a newer version of Minecraft to receive support (1.16 or 1.17).
  12. So, basically, my animations aren't working. I have everything setup, I followed their documentation and it just doesn't work. I checked my if statements with System.out.println and the line is getting printed but the animation isn't playing. Entity Class: https://github.com/Skizzium/Project-Apple/blob/Animations-FG1.17.1/src/main/java/com/skizzium/projectapple/entity/boss/skizzik/Skizzik.java#L278-L288 Model Class: https://github.com/Skizzium/Project-Apple/blob/Animations-FG1.17.1/src/main/java/com/skizzium/projectapple/entity/boss/skizzik/client/model/SkizzikModel.java Renderer Class: https://github.com/Skizzium/Project-Apple/blob/Animations-FG1.17.1/src/main/java/com/skizzium/projectapple/entity/boss/skizzik/client/renderer/SkizzikRenderer.java Animation JSON: https://github.com/Skizzium/Project-Apple/blob/Animations-FG1.17.1/src/main/resources/assets/skizzik/geo/skizzik/skizzik.geo.json
  13. Just get Java 8
  14. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. This is said literally everywhere. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  15. I'm not too sure but the issue seems to be coming from a part of the Immersive Portals mod. Try updating it (if there's an update) or just getting rid of it.
  16. Yea, you shouldn't be starting the Minecraft server. That starts a vanilla one. You need to start the forge jar and I think you need to use the bat file that gets generated instead of just opening the jar.
  17. Please make your own separate topic about this and upload your log files (via a paste website like pastebin.com). These files can be found at %appdata%/.minecraft/logs.
  18. Are you sure you're starting a forge server instead of a vanilla one? Remember, there are two jars and you need to start the server via the forge one.
  19. It says it in the log. It's 16. You need to use Java 8 instead of Java 16 for versions before 1.17.
  20. Lil bump
  21. Hi! I've been trying to get Discord RPC working for the last few days without any success. I know this isn't really a Forge thing but more of Gradle and additional libraries but I really want to have RPC in my mod and I just don't know where to ask for help. I've found and tried 2 libraries. Vatuu's which gave me these errors and Minn's which always gave me an error that looks something like this before the game even starts up: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.discord.rpc.v2.0.2: Invalid module name: '0' is not a Java identifier" I know that it's possible to get one of these two working in 1.17 since a mod has already done that but the port is closed-source.
  22. Use a paste website like pastebin
  23. It's not the same problem...
  24. The full file please. Also, upload it to a paste site.
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