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Everything posted by OutCraft

  1. It wasn't supposed to, just a hint if he scans for leaves: Edit: Sorry if I expressed it wrong
  2. How to run a program from the command line (works on Windows, Mac I don't know): Open the command prompt and type the name of the drive the file is in. If the file is in C:/Users/yourUser/desktop/whatever type "c:" in the command prompt. If the file is in D:/ThisIsAFolder type "d:" etc. Then press enter to navigate to the drive. Now navigate to the file. Type cd and the path. Example: "cd C:/this/is/the/path/to/the/installer" Also execute it with enter. Now you can run "java -jar installerName.jar" Execute it with enter and post the error here I hope this helps
  3. If you're on Windows click on the Windows icon, type "cmd" and press enter. On mac press Command-space to launch Spotlight and type "Terminal", then double-click the search result
  4. If you scan for leaves scan for persistent=false leaves (persistent is a blockstate, you can see it with F3). These are the leaves at trees and break if there is no log near. If the player places leaves they are persistent=true and don't need a log block, so only tree leaves will be detected as there is no way in survival to place persistent=false leaves
  5. Hi! Don't forget that the lead at the fence is an entity and if you right-click you aren't right-clicking the fence but the lead entity
  6. Hi! You can just set the x and z delta movement to zero. But don't change the y delta movement, otherwise the entity wouldn't fall on the ground if the block under it is removed.
  7. Hi! I think the Forge Discord has a Bot for converting SRG Names to the newest Mappings. I don't know how it works but try just going on their discord an typing !help or something like that
  8. Error in advanced rocketry. Make a backup of your world and try disabling the mod. Also on curseforge it says: "Advanced Rocketry for 1.16.5 is a very early alpha. We know its broken. We will fix it as soon as we are able. This is why its marked as a alpha on curseforge" So I would just wait until the fix is done and update
  9. Can you please post the whole debug.log here?
  10. Hi! Try giving Minecraft more RAM. If it doesn't work, please post the debug.log
  11. I'm not sure but try deleting the mod "cyclops" I hope it works Edit: If it doesn't please post the debug.log
  12. Hi! You need to remove Optifine, it's only client side
  13. Hi! This is an error with If you can, remove it from the modpack, if not report the bug to the mod author
  14. If this doesn't work just try removing the mod "citadel"
  15. Hi! Try deleting this config file: It will regenerate itself and the error should go away
  16. Hi, I know this issue. Are the items just laying on the ground or flickering and teleporting one block up and falling then down?
  17. Please post the full debug.log Also try removing optifine
  18. One thing: When I copied your code and throwed the firecracker, it didn't kill itself when it hit a block, it just went through the block, what it, I suppose, shouldn't do. So don't forget to kill it in the hit block event
  19. Thanks, I'll try that out
  20. Hi! So apparently in 1.16.5 you don't use EntityRenderers and my mod was on 1.17. So you need to update or use SpriteRenderer<>(EntityRendererManager, net.minecraft.client.renderer.ItemRenderer) but I have no Idea how to use this Sorry that I didn't realized this until now
  21. I have no Idea
  22. package net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.EntityRenderers at the bottom
  23. Yes, very strange... If you have Discord try going on the official Discord server of Forge, they have a bot that gets the name of a class for each Version (I don't have Discord, so I don't know how this works...)
  24. The class is here: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityRenderersEvent try @SubscribeEvent public static void registerEntityRenders(net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityRenderersEvent.RegisterRenderers event) { event.registerEntityRenderer(EntityList.FIRE_CRACKER.get(), ThrownItemRenderer::new); }
  25. Just search in your IDE for RenderEvent (Type "RenderEvent" and press Ctrl + Space, then something like EntityRenderEvent should show up)
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