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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Problem with valhelsia_core, contact the mod author.
  2. You are registering ItemProperties against the vanilla bow (Items.BOW) instead of the passed in item. https://github.com/liorhassin/RPG-Mod/blob/3d693c2b4c0c6fd9190bfe18c3cd4d79585556cd/src/main/java/net/LiorNadav/rpgmod/util/ModItemProperties.java#L16 And, the ItemProperties.register() is not theadsafe - it updates a HashMap. So you need to put the call inside an event.enqueueWork() like you do for your registerPOIs(). Unrelated: You are missing a value=Dist.CLIENT here: https://github.com/liorhassin/RPG-Mod/blob/3d693c2b4c0c6fd9190bfe18c3cd4d79585556cd/src/main/java/net/LiorNadav/rpgmod/RPGMod.java#L55 which means your mod will crash on a server when it tries to access client only classes. You already have somewhere where you could put this event listener that is correctly defined: https://github.com/liorhassin/RPG-Mod/blob/3d693c2b4c0c6fd9190bfe18c3cd4d79585556cd/src/main/java/net/LiorNadav/rpgmod/event/ClientEvents.java#L26
  3. The short answer to your question is Entity.blockPosition() But you are doing your MobEffect wrong. You don't store static state in the MobEffect, there is only ever one of them. You need to create a MobEffectInstance and add it to the entity. See for example WitherSkeleton.doHurtTarget() Then you check if the entity has the effect, LivingEntity.hasEffect()
  4. We need to see source code, so we can identify what you are not doing correctly.
  5. warjort


    Try the 1.19.2 version of twilight forest. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-twilight-forest/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986%3a73407
  6. Probably one of these: https://github.com/search?q="p_130086_"+is+null&type=issues If it's none of those then you will have to experiment with removing mods until you find the problem mod. This error message does not tell you which mod has broken recipe network serialization.
  7. Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: Critical injection failure: @Redirect annotation on iris$getBrightness could not find any targets matching 'Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/model/light/flat/FlatLightPipeline;calculate(Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/model/quad/ModelQuadView;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/model/light/data/QuadLightData;Lnet/minecraft/util/Direction;Lnet/minecraft/util/Direction;Z)V' in me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.model.light.flat.FlatLightPipeline. Using refmap oculus-refmap.json [PREINJECT Applicator Phase -> mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:directional_shading.MixinFlatLightPipeline -> Prepare Injections -> -> redirect$zgm000$iris$getBrightness(Lnet/minecraft/world/IBlockDisplayReader;Lnet/minecraft/util/Direction;Z)F -> Parse] This looks like oculus trying and failing to modify rubidium code. This has nothing to do with forge. Make sure you have the correct versions of these mods then contact the mod author(s).
  8. jeed is an addon for jei
  9. Show the relevant code, preferably on github, we have no psychic powers.
  10. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Biome_Modifiers
  11. Attacks are always with the main hand. I think you will find the event is called twice because it is called on both the client and the server. You need to check event.getEntity().level.isClientSide to make sure you are on the correct logical side for what you are trying to do.
  12. As you already know it's a problem with Industrial Agriculture. We can't fix that mod, you need to contact the mod author. If you want more help from us, you will need to provide the logs/debug.log so we can see all the information. My guess is you are missing botany pots since that is listed as a mandatory dependency on curseforge and you don't have it? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/industrial-agriculture/relations/dependencies?filter-related-dependencies=3
  13. Why are you only subscribing to the event in single player?
  14. The error messages I quoted above from the log file
  15. yes and when you do, check to see if these new mods have other dependencies by looking at their mod page on curseforge. Mod authors usually list their dependencies in prominent text because they get tired of answering the same questions about why their mod won't work. 🙂
  16. You have mods that have not been updated to work forge/minecraft 1.19.2, they look like they are very old - from the 1.19 beta version? biomemakeover and propellerhats Make sure you have the latest versions of these mods then contact the mod author(s).
  17. The error says, one of the blocks isn't registered properly. But doesn't say which one. You will need to post your logs/debug.log so we can see what the real problem is. You should always post this file when reporting an error and please put it on a file sharing site like https://gist.github.com Logs are very difficult to search when posted to the forums especially when there is more than one on a thread.
  18. The user on the other thread reported using citadel 1.12.7 worked for them if you want to try that version.
  19. Citadel is a library mod used by other mods. You have 2 of these. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/citadel/relations/dependents?filter-related-dependents=3
  20. You need java 17 to run forge/minecraft 1.19
  21. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: vazkii.arl.item.BasicItem The error you reported in the title is because you are missing the AutoRegLib mod. But you also have But I think you have a lot of these kinds of errors: e.g. trying to run a mod for 1.19 with 1.18 And this large list of missing mods, the reference to "forge" in this list is the mod that wants forge for minecraft 1.19:
  22. See: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/116824-minecraft-won´t-launch-game-crashed-exit-code-1-forge-43125/#comment-515120 since it looks like you are using the broken version of citadel?
  23. Optifine issue, make sure you have the version that is compatible with whatever version of forge you are using.
  24. The simple answer is you don't do like that. Modifying the default world generation in random ways will likely just cause conflicts with other mods that are using the proper mechanisms to change the data. If you want a custom overworld you either use a DataPack to redefine the world gen https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Custom or you can create your own world type (called WorldPresets in the code, similar to how superflat or large biomes are chosen at world creation), you can also do this with datapacks: https://misode.github.io/worldgen/world-preset/
  25. As usual with this stuff, what you need to do depends upon the use case. People get very confused about this mainly because they don't fully understand what they need to do. That people try to blindly copy tutorials for this doesn't help them. If this really is your own entity then a "simple" way is to use an EntityDataAccessor with EntityDataSerializers.COMPOUND_TAG (the CompoundTag will be used to store the serialized form of your inventory over the network). See: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Networking_with_Entities An example of the pattern is how ItemEntity handles its ItemStack: ItemEntity.DATA_ITEM On the client you override onSynchedDataUpdated() to process the data. But the important part is the call to getEntityData().set() which needs to be called when your entity is created or reloaded from disk and when the data changes. Since you are probably using an ItemStackHandler you can make your own custom subclass to override load() and onContentsChanged() to forward these events to that set(). However, if this is a capability you are adding to other people's entities then you do need to do your own network handling and you need to be somewhat careful about who you send the packets to. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/SimpleChannel Your network packet will need to contain the inventory and the entityId so you can find the entity and update the capability when it gets to the client. You need to trap the change of the inventory as before and broadcasting to all players that are tracking the entity using PacketDistributor.TRACKING_ENTITY. But for the create/load of entities you will instead need to subscribe to PlayerEvent.StartTracking and just send the packet to that player. The StartTracking event tells you when an entity comes into range of player and the PacketDistributor.TRACKING_ENTITY knows which players are still in range of the entity. NOTE: For your own entity it is still an option to do custom network handling instead of the EntityDataAccessor. This would be case for example if you have a large inventory and only want to send changed items instead of the whole inventory every time.
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