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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Scratch that, it is rubidium not createdeco. It's the same problem, but you don't need that on the server. So you can remove it along with its other related client side only mods like oculus.
  2. This is a bug with createdeco trying to load client classes on the server. Contact the mod author. Although, I believe createdeco is not up-to-date with recent changes to create anyway: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/create-deco#c128
  3. Is that a serious question? Did you even look at that class?
  4. It's not sketchy. Another way you could solve the issue is to uninstall your java and reinstall it. This assumes your java installer actually adds the file association for .jar files.
  5. https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html
  6. No, you don't create the player, that will cause all kinds of issues. You update the ServerStatsCounter directly. e.g. the equivalent of your player.resetStat(stat) is stats.setValue(null, stat, 0); Although setValue() takes a player as the first parameter, you can see in the code it doesn't actually use it. So you can pass "null". The idea of using the ServerStatsCounter to update the value is so you don't have worry about the correct handling of the json format.
  7. Your original problem is MultiMinecraft2 telling forge to use files that don't exist. Looks like a download problem with that launcher, you will need to contact them about this.
  8. You can if you really want to, but you won't get support in these forums.
  9. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/91712-supported-version-directory/
  10. First don't post text as images. Your problem is probably that you can't have uppercase characters in resource locations or minecraft asset file names.
  11. Download the latest optifine preview. If it still doesn't work talk to them. https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/7009#issuecomment-1228057896
  12. You changed the **constructor** of PlayerDataStorage to public. You want to change the playerDataStorage field of MinecraftServer. The link I posted above shows an example of changing a field: So you need know what forge calls your field There is probably a more efficient way to do this, but this is how I do it: 1) Look at Mojang's deobfuscation mapping to see what they call field: https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/8e8c9be5dc27802caba47053d4fdea328f7f89bd/client.txt With some searching you will find: This tells you Mojang call the field "i" Now you need to find out what forge calls it: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MinecraftForge/MCPConfig/master/versions/release/1.19.2/joined.tsrg and again some searching is required Now you have all the information you need: public net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer f_129745_ # playerDataStorage Double check my logic is correct, I haven't tested this.
  13. Remove rubidium and other broken client side only mods from the server. You don't need them there.
  14. Issue with valhelsia_core, make sure you have the latest version then contact the mod author. It might be conflicting with another mod you have.
  15. To answer the original question. Try something like this **untested** code in your server starting event: MinecraftServer server = event.getServer(); File statsDir = server.getWorldPath(LevelResource.PLAYER_STATS_DIR).toFile(); // Needs an access transformer PlayerDataStorage storage = server.playerDataStorage; // For each player with an entry in the playerdata folder String[] uuids = storage.getSeenPlayers(); for (String uuid : uuids) { // Load, change and save the stats File playerStats = new File(statsDir, uuid + ".json"); ServerStatsCounter stats = new ServerStatsCounter(server, playerStats); // YOUR CODE HERE stats.save(); } As it says, you will need an access transformer to make the playerDataStorage field in MinecraftServer public. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Access_Transformers
  16. https://gist.github.com
  17. Not really. You could try to emulate what AnvilBlock.use() does. But you will hit a roadblock trying to implement the ContainerLevelAccess which AnvilMenu/ItemCombinerMenu uses for things like checking the AnvilBlock is still there, breaking the anvil block after crafting, etc.
  18. Do you try to read the crash reports before posting them here? You also must be aware that you just installed this mod and hence it is likely the cause. You had a working installation without this mod an hour ago.
  19. Something is taking a very long time on the server thread. The error does not identify what the problem is. Try installing the spark mod which can help you diagnose problems like this: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/spark Look at its documentation/wiki for how to use it.
  20. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.world.entity.player.Player.m_150109_()" because "p_27596_" is null at net.minecraft.world.entity.animal.Animal.m_27595_(Animal.java:179) ~[server-1.18.2-20220404.173914-srg.jar%2393!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B} at dev.itsmeow.betteranimalsplus.common.CommonEventHandler.entityDeath(CommonEventHandler.java:85) ~[betteranimalsplus-1.18.2-11.0.5-forge.jar%2358!/:1.18.2-11.0.5] {re:classloading} at dev.architectury.event.forge.EventHandlerImplCommon.event(EventHandlerImplCommon.java:199) ~[architectury-4.9.83-forge.jar%2356!/:?] {re:classloading} Looks like an issue with better animals plus, or it could be architectury. Make sure you have the latest versions of these mods then contact the mod author(s).
  21. https://gist.github.com/
  22. Your question is unanswerable. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/89239-excessively-asked-questions-eaq/ Since you are connecting to a server you should post links to both the client's and server's logs/debug.log
  23. Update your java to a recent version.
  24. Download the 1.19.2 version of biomesoplenty the 1.19 won't work with your version of Minecraft. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/biomes-o-plenty/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986%3a73407
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