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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Can you confirm "Acceso denegado" means "access denied"? Like I said above, it can be other files/permissions, e.g. the folder might have the wrong permissions, so you can't add files to the folder. If you really do have permission. It should let you create other files in that folder, edit the file or even delete it (make a backup first).
  2. Yes, If you click where it says "all" twice it will change to "sources". From this you will see it is a problem with ambientadditions: ambientadditions (216404ms) Server thread90.74% coda.ambientadditions.common.entities.HarlequinShrimpEntity.travel()90.58% coda.ambientadditions.common.entities.HarlequinShrimpEntity.baseTick()0.08% coda.ambientadditions.common.entities.ShameFacedCrabEntity.baseTick()0.08% coda.ambientadditions.common.entities.HarlequinShrimpEntity.requiresCustomPersistence()0.01% coda.ambientadditions.common.entities.ShameFacedCrabEntity.requiresCustomPersistence()0.00% In particular its HarlequinShrimpEntity Make sure you have the latest version of this mod then contact the mod author.
  3. java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\Rubén\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\de\oceanlabs\mcp\mcp_config\1.18.2-20220404.173914\mcp_config-1.18.2-20220404.173914-mappings.txt (Acceso denegado) The error says you don't the operating system permissions to open/modify that file. This usually happens because you ran minecraft/forge with administrator privileges as some point and the file is now owned by the administrator account. You need to give your user the permission to this file and probably others in the .minecraft folder? see for example: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/how-to-change-folder-and-file-permissions-in/783e7040-d18f-4c04-a0f3-830b4841bb68
  4. As I said above, use that spark mod to diagnose what the real problem is. Then we won't be guessing. You can also use TaskManager to see if you get a lot memory paging when the lag occurs.
  5. That sounds excessive. How much ram do you actually have? If you allocate more memory than is physically available, the operating system will have to swap memory to and from disk. This will degrade your performance. It can also lead to long garbage collections when java needs to do a full garbage collection. This could behave exactly like you describe.
  6. The "waiting for server" means the server thread has too much work to do. You probably have some warnings about server ticks taking too long in your log? This has nothing to do with graphics. You can use the spark mod to get information about what the server thread is doing: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/spark look at its wiki for how to use it.
  7. Honestly, even though that method has 3 lines of code, I think all 3 of them are probably wrong? 🙂 * onItemUseFirst() is for intercepting what would normally call Block.use() method and redirecting it to your processing for this item. e.g. suppose you had a paint item that changed the color of colorable blocks instead of activating their gui * You are modify the item stack on the client so this change will never be saved. * Calling super will return PASS which means it will call the Block.use() and also means it will never call your method on server. I would guess you want your code to look more like EggItem.use() - one of the easier Item.use() methods to understand. Note the use of Level.isClientSide and sidedSuccess() e.g. You would have something like (untested pseudo code): public InteractionResultHolder<ItemStack> use(Level p_41128_, Player p_41129_, InteractionHand p_41130_) { ItemStack itemstack = p_41129_.getItemInHand(p_41130_); if (!p_41128_.isClientSide) { // We are on the server here MinecraftServer server = p_41228_.getServer(); PlayerList players = server.getPlayerList(); // Insert the rest of your logic here } p_41129_.awardStat(Stats.ITEM_USED.get(this)); if (!p_41129_.getAbilities().instabuild) { itemstack.shrink(1); } return InteractionResultHolder.sidedSuccess(itemstack, p_41128_.isClientSide()); }
  8. That method is an instance method which means you need a reference to a MinecraftServer instance/object to use it. e.g. ServerLevel has a getServer() - that is also not a static method 🙂 If you are looking to do some periodic processing, there is a TickEvent.ServerTickEvent that has a getServer()
  9. I think this is this issue: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/8622 It was fixed in forge 40.1.24: https://maven.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.18.2-40.1.73/forge-1.18.2-40.1.73-changelog.txt
  10. I must be hallucinating then. 🙂 https://nekoyue.github.io/ForgeJavaDocs-NG/javadoc/1.19.1/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.html#getPlayerList()
  11. This is like your many of your other questions. You have done little or no effort to find this out for yourself. Instead you think wasting multiple people's time having to read and answer these trivial questions is a good idea? Here is how you find this information: Which class represents a server in the minecraft codebase? Answer: MinecraftServer Which method in that class does something like getPlayerList() Simple isn't it? 🙂 It is also the same code that came up when you asked about bans, so you actually already knew about this method.
  12. Also the nogui option does need to go in the run.bat since that is a minecraft option 🙂
  13. Your issue is not what is in that file. Your problem is that you also added it somewhere else, probably run.bat?
  14. Do you think player.setPos() ever changes the playerHeath value? This is also not the correct way to teleport an entity anyway. I also don't see what setting a player's position to its current position achieves, beyond redundant work? And just doing it at respawn isn't going to affect the player after that.
  15. while (playerhealth == 0) { player.setpos(position); } You know what an infinite loop is?
  16. One of these mods has injected some bad code into the Minecraft class. From what is being accessed I would guess is it better_loading_screen? But it could be anything mentioned above. NOTE: For some bizarre reason better loading screen has 2 different v1.4.0 jars, one is for 1.16 the other for 1.18 - make sure you have the correct one. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betterloadingscreen/files If that doesn't fix it, you are probably going to have to rebuild this modpack from scratch and test each mod works individually. That way you will know which mod causes the problem and not hit roadblocks like this.
  17. You can change a player's speed using Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED either directly or using a MobEffect like MobEffects.MOVEMENT_SLOWDOWN A different way is to look at WebBlock (cobwebs). There are probably other ways you can do it. I don't think any of these affect spectator mode players? They have noPhysics set to true. A probably glitchy way would be to do something in PlayerTickEvent that remembers where you want them and teleports them back to that location if they move.
  18. I think you will find nobody is going to read this. Despite dumping a large amount a code in the forums you still don't include important information, e.g. what is this value? @Override public int getCount() { return Constants.VENDINGMACHINE_CONTAINERDATASIZE; } Generally, if you want help, you need to put your code on github where we can see everything (not just the bits you think are important). The code should compile and run. Better is to show some understanding, so you can point us to the relevant code you think should work instead. Just saying "please find the bug" in some random code will likely mean busy people ignore your question as too much work.
  19. Use DeferredRegister with Registry.CONFIGURED_FEATURE_REGISTRY and Registry.PLACED_FEATURE_REGISTRY Here's an example from a different thread that makes diamond blocks "ores": public class ModFeatures { private static final DeferredRegister<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> CONFIGURED_FEATURES = DeferredRegister.create(Registry.CONFIGURED_FEATURE_REGISTRY, ExampleMod.MODID); private static final DeferredRegister<PlacedFeature> PLACED_FEATURES = DeferredRegister.create(Registry.PLACED_FEATURE_REGISTRY, ExampleMod.MODID); public static final RegistryObject<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> DIAMOND_BLOCKS_CONFIGURED = CONFIGURED_FEATURES.register("diamond_blocks", () -> { var block = ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.getValue(new ResourceLocation("minecraft:diamond_block")); var target = List.of(OreConfiguration.target(OreFeatures.NATURAL_STONE, block.defaultBlockState())); return new ConfiguredFeature<>(Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(target, 64)); }); public static final RegistryObject<PlacedFeature> DIAMOND_BLOCKS_PLACED = PLACED_FEATURES.register("diamond_blocks", () -> new PlacedFeature(DIAMOND_BLOCKS_CONFIGURED.getHolder().get(), commonOrePlacement(10, HeightRangePlacement.triangle(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-24), VerticalAnchor.absolute(56))))); public static void register(IEventBus bus) { CONFIGURED_FEATURES.register(bus); PLACED_FEATURES.register(bus); } } Obviously the ModFeatures.register() needs to be called from your main mod class.
  20. Its a problem with radium. Make sure you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  21. You need to contact the mod authors to find out which version to use.
  22. You have put -Xmx8G in the wrong place. It is a java option so it goes in user_jvm_args.txt Instead you are trying to pass it to Minecraft which fails
  23. These mods are either missing or you have mods that want a different version to what you have installed.
  24. 21:35:31[ERROR] [ne.mi.ev.EventSubclassTransformer/EVENTBUS]: An error occurred building event handler java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/gui/screens/Screen for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER -- snip -- at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {} at com.minecraftserverzone.jrhc.setup.capabilities.PlayerStatsProvider.serializeNBT(PlayerStatsProvider.java:38) ~[jrhc-1-18-x.jar%2371!/:1-18-x] {re:classloading} Looks like an issue with the jrhc mod. It is trying to load client/gui classes on the server. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  25. The default value is %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp But you are really asking the wrong people. This is the forge support forums, we are not experts on MS Windows, even if sometimes think we are. 🙂
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