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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Same out of memory error. Show the command you are you using so we can confirm you did it correctly. What does the modpack say it requires to run?
  2. This isn't a forge question. Its a can you fix my java program question. You only ever register one chest BlockEntityRenderer in that code. It references the static singleton TileEntities.CHEST_TILE_ENTITIES.
  3. Some conflict between the backpacked and backpacker mods: Make sure you have the correct versions then contact the author.
  4. The answer is, you are not registering it. You never change newChestEntitiesAdded to true and even if you did, the chests are never registered when signs are because you are using "else if" https://github.com/StijnArts/All-The-Wood/blob/85e92326aa52affba3c91ef5a81f7ff87e1e20cc/src/main/java/Net/Drai/AllTheWood/AllTheWood.java#L125
  5. Either add this to your ATWChestBlock and define a model for it public RenderShape getRenderShape(BlockState p_49232_) { return RenderShape.Model; } Or you need to create and register a BlockEntityRenderer for it. See net.minecraft.client.renderer.blockentity.ChestRenderer for the vanilla one.
  6. You need to give minecraft/forge more memory. It is the -Xmx option in these examples https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/113190-trouble-creating-minecraft-modded-server-1165/
  7. Try enigmatic legacy 2.24.1, it claims to have a fix for this. https://github.com/Aizistral-Studios/Enigmatic-Legacy/issues/359
  8. See: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/113190-trouble-creating-minecraft-modded-server-1165/
  9. You need to explain what is not working. Nobody wants to look at some code and guess what might be wrong with it. If you don't understand what is not working add some log.info("I am doing this"); or System.out.println("I am doing this"); to your code in relevant places. Then see if you can understand what is being not being done or is wrong from the log. Even if you can't figure it out, it will let you ask a more focused question. However: One thing that does look wrong is. TitanShiftersNetwork.CLIENTCHANNEL.send(PacketDistributor.TRACKING_ENTITY_AND_SELF.with(() -> p), message); From what I understand you only want to send to the player and not every player that is close by, which is what the above code does. You don't have an entity id in your message, you are assuming the player only gets its own data. As it stands, it will be overwriting player's data randomly from other players.
  10. Looks like you are missing this mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/framework?
  11. See: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/113178-better-minecraft-forge-125-exit-code-1/
  12. I found this mod on curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/longer-login-times Its not that popular (about 5000 downloads) and I have never used it so I don't know how good it is. It lets you change the login timeout using a server configuration. You could give it a try to see if it helps.
  13. I can't give you concrete details without knowing more about your modpack before and after. I can tell you it currently takes your client about 1 minute to process all the registry information sent by the server This is not doing network stuff during this process.
  14. Thanks, I was actually able to access your google drive version after waiting a few minutes.
  15. This shows the client has received all the packets and responded to them, including processing the entity type and all the registries. But then it disconnects. On the other login in this log, it doesn't process all the packets, it stops at packet 22 which happens to be that ensorcellation-server.toml packet I mentioned eariler, this is probably a coincidence. What I think is happening, is that you have a login connection timeout of 60 seconds. Your client is still processing packets at 60 seconds. 26 packet login: to 18:25:24:880 22 packet login: 18:21:22.668 to 18:22:27.957 So it is disconnecting before the login can complete.
  16. That link is broken? Can you use a different upload site like https://pastebin.com/ or https://gist.github.com/
  17. These packets are relevant as well, they have no reply/acknowlegement? So the first unreplied message could be for the entity types packet.
  18. One other thing to try is to uninstall optifine. It can be a regular source of weird errors due to mod incompatibilities.
  19. These look to be the relevant messages on the server. You are connecting to the server and it proceeds normally until it gets to packet 22 for the ensorcellation-server.toml, it doesn't receive any acknowlegement from the client for this and later packets. Then it stalls and times out. Can you post the debug.log from the client. The latest.log is not showing what the client is doing with those network packets.
  20. I am not good at rendering, but it looks like you have depth test issues, probably caused by the blending used by the item render? If you can't use ItemRenderer.renderGuiItemDecorations() for some reason, have it look at what it does. You might also want to look at AbstractContainerScreen.renderSlot()
  21. Make sure the server log is from a time where you tried to connect. If you try to make a connection just before they give a copy that should be ok.
  22. BTW: Your log was full of spam messages from croptopia. This seems to be this issue: https://github.com/ExcessiveAmountsOfZombies/Croptopia/issues/46 It claims to be fixed, but you still have the problem. So you probably want to ask on their discord how to fix it. This won't be the cause of your connection problem.
  23. It's strange, I can't see your linked client latest.log anymore. I did just look at it. Did you delete it? When I looked it the log, the bottom looked something like: This means you are trying to connect to the server, but the server is not responding. Can you look at your log and find that message and confirm the ip address is correct. Otherwise, the problem is with the server. You need to ask bisecthosting for the logs/debug.log from the server and post a link to it. We need to see if the server actually got your connection request and what happened if it did.
  24. Your BiomesOPlenty mod jar is corrupted (probably an incomplete download?). Redownload it and replace it in your mods folder.
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