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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Either one of; * Uninstall all your javas and just reinstall java 17 (the long term support version of java) so you are not confused about which it is using and you can be certain only that is configured. * Manually change your windows environment variables so that java 17 is the one in the PATH * Change where it says "java" in the run.bat to use the "c:\full path\to\java17\bin\java.exe" from your java 17 installation where the quotes are important if the path contains spaces like my example. * Use search where variants of this question can be found to be asked and answered a hundred times before along with all the "gotchas" you might come across.
  2. What code? All you post are snippets of java out of context. Which you now admit is not the real code. If you want help you need to put the full real code on github. So we can see everything that is relevant. And maybe try it for ourselves. But as I said originally, I know virtually nothing about multipart entities. I have never written one. I only answered because it was obvious your hurt() method didn't do anything.
  3. Use the latest optifine preview release.
  4. Some issue with the croptopia configuration. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  5. Issue with canary. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  6. There is no cgm version for 1.19.4 (yet?) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mrcrayfishs-gun-mod/files
  7. Use java 17, mixin does not support 20
  8. If you know which mods are causing the problem, check you have the latest versions then contact the mod authors.
  9. Looks like something related to project mmo is missing. Probably you have the wrong version?
  10. I already answered your question on the other post: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/122683-game-crashed-while-exploring/#comment-533925
  11. Not really. AFAIK, the normal blocks can only use the hardcoded RenderTypes known to the Chunk builder code. See RenderType.CHUNK_BUFFER_LAYERS. Obviously there is overhead in BlockEntitys over normal Blocks. They use more memory because they can have custom state. And more cpu if they also tick. In your usecase, using a custom renderer will have worse performance than using a static model, because minecraft won't be able to cache as much information. That is somewhat mitigated in the example code above since it mostly just delegates to static (prebaked) model rendering code.
  12. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  13. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/117560-solved-blockentity-rendering-too-dark/#comment-517765
  14. But I bet you are eventually going to find you have another mod breaking something in the Entity class hierarchy. This is essentially the error as you got for creeper overhaul. You would probably save some time if you just uploaded your debug.log to a file sharing site so we have all the information and/or installed your mods individually or in small groups so you know which mods are breaking the game without having to ask us.
  15. That's not true, the source code is here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/tree/1.7.10 But it refers to the old (now defunct) maven repository: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/9274e4fe435cb415099a8216c1b42235f185443e/build.gradle#L7 so I doubt it will build without changes. If you are looking for help with 1.7.10 you should ask those that still use it, e.g. the GTNH project which also updates/fixes mods for that version.
  16. The crash is indeed with Creeper Overhaul. But what is going on with that crash report? spongepovered instead of spongepowered HixinInfo, AixinProcessor, NixinTransformer instead of Mixin* Very suspicious.
  17. So? That doesn't mean the rest of the code does anything useful. Your super call just marks the part entity as hurt which means it will flash red. But it doesn't have any health to actually damage. Why not? "It does not work" is not a bug report. That's what I said is your problem. What code? If you looked a the code in a debugger you can step through it and see what is being called and what conditional statement stops it reaching the code you expect. All in all, your "question" is unanswerable. It is full of undefined "it/that/the"s. Finally, when I went back to look at the code you posted to see if I could guess what you are talking about, I noticed this: That will crash at runtime because uppercase characters are not allowed in ResourceLocations. So that class you posted cannot possibly be code that is actually getting used.
  18. https://github.com/SuperMartijn642/Rechiseled/issues/25
  19. The problem with doing what you are trying to do is discussed here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/8744
  20. The issue is with you calling getCapability() from inside the AttachCapabilities. That sends it into recursive death.
  21. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
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