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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  2. You have some issue with it rendering a chest. The error message does not say which mod is causing the problem. I have underlined all the mods that are directly modifying the class where the error occurs. But given the error message and where it occurs it could be any mod. Further down, it does show oculus doing something (shadows?) for block entities which is what is what a chest is. I would guess the only way you are going to find the problem mod is to experiment with removing mods until the problem goes away. The ones underlined above would be the first to test along with any other graphics "optimisation" mods you have. Backup your world(s) before removing mods.
  3. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  4. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/122834-help-with-an-error-i-keep-having-when-trying-to-launch-my-modpack/#comment-534408
  5. I underlined the mod file name on your other thread: The mod has this long standing bug report: https://github.com/TeamMidnightDust/MidnightLib/issues/19 The mod authors say they have removed the hat functionality for 1.19.4, doesn't say anything about a fix for 1.19.2
  6. Looks like you have two different mods providing the mixinextras functionality? Check you have the latest versions then contact the mod authors to figure out what is going on.
  7. I don't know then. You could use the PlayerEvent.HarvestCheck event to see what the actual values are for the BlockState and the player's held item when it does the check. To see if they are what you expect.
  8. Why do you keep repostin the same error report? It is the midnight_hats mod. Contact the mod author. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/122361-help-with-an-error-i-keep-having-when-trying-to-launch-my-modpack/#comment-532966 or uninstall the mod.
  9. In your registration code, you are copy the BlockBehaviour.Properties from the vanilla doors. Neither of these has the requiresCorrectToolForDrops() property set. See Player.hasCorrectToolForDrops()
  10. You could also try reinstalling java or a different java implementation to see if that fixes the problem.
  11. The thread dump before it stops responding isn't going to tell us anything. If jstack can't get a thread dump, that suggests there is something more serious wrong with the java virtual machine. e.g. something has corrupted native memory or some other bug/problem in the jvm, graphics card driver or operating system I have no idea where to start debugging that problem, other than suggesting to check your drivers are up-to-date. It's not something that will be Forge's fault, it has no native code. It could be one of your mods, some of them include native libraries. Whoever provides your java implementation would be the best people to ask why you can't get a thread dump.
  12. You use the BlockItem class for blocks. It is the item (wrapped in an ItemEntity/Stack) that gets thrown into lava and needs to be fire resitant https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Making_Blocks#Registering_a_Block Typically, if it isn't obvious what problem you are describing, people will likely just ignore your question and move onto to some other post that is actually answerable. So the best way to ask for help is to show what you have tried (putting all your relevant code on github) and describe which part doesn't work as you expect. We can't debug an English description of your code.
  13. Of course AI goals are supported. Asking how to automine blocks is not. We don't want to help people write bots and cheats. If you really are doing this legit, you wouldn't need to mine the block. You would (on the server) just replace the block with air and generate loot from the block's loot table.
  14. Please try to do your own research. This forum is for helping people with real problems. It is not intended for lazy people to misuse others as a human search engine. Anyway: Look at the Item.Properties for ANCIENT_DEBRIS in the vanilla Items class
  15. You can't/shoudn't modify the properties of bedrock. There is only 1 bedrock block in the whole game that is used for all BlockStates in the world. If you look at the MultiplayerGameMode class you will see blocks with destroy time < 1.0f are hardwired never to be mined (except in creative mode). Even if you do hack it so you can mine bedrock, its block properties set the loot table to BuiltinLootTables.EMPTY, so nothing will drop. What you are trying to do is problematic. Bedrock is designed to be unbreakable for a reason. You need some other mechanism. e.g. Make your own bedrock block that can be mined and has a loot table. Switch the bedrock for your block when the player starts mining a bedrock block with your pickaxe. But that simplistic solution has the problem that if the player stops mining early, you would be left with the wrong bedrock in the world that others could potentially mine. Maybe you could make your block have a random tick so it automatically turns back to real bedrock after a certain time?
  16. Don't post text as images. The error says one of your mods has broken network code. This is commonly a badly written recipe serializer. If you add -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug to the java arguments (same place you change the memory allocated in whatever launcher you are using) on the client the logs/debug.log might show which mod is causing the problem. But usually, the information about which mod is causing a networking errors does not get logged. So the only way to find the problem mod is to experiment with removing mods until the problem goes away. Backup your world(s) before removing mods.
  17. The last thing in that log is it saying it is saving chunks for the vault dimension, there is no error message. Saving chunks is normal when you pause the game to go into a GUI, but if you say the game is not responding and it is not saving the player's position then there is likely something broken in this process. You should check you have the latest version then contact the mod/mod pack author. To see what it is actually doing when it is not responding we would need to see a "thread dump". https://www.baeldung.com/java-thread-dump so we can see where it is stuck.
  18. There is no error in that log, post the launcher_log.txt from directly after the crash. See my footer.
  19. Forge "recompiles" minecraft to make its changes. You need the installer.
  20. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  21. Look at the IceBlock which does a similar thing with water.
  22. Never show text as images. Put your code on github so we can see all relevant details. The error says it can't find your model. We can't see what you specified in the file because you cropped image.
  23. Bots or the technology used to write them (even if you are not writing a bot) are not supported in this forum.
  24. You didn't it understand then. From from what I can see you just extend the boat so it will behave with the same rules as a boat. Except where you have tried to add some kind of up/down control in "random" places, like sending network packets to somewhere that is probably not the controlling side? I would guess a rocket should be never be directly controlled by the player and instead always by the server. With the only player input coming from rocket controls sent to the server using network packets. i.e. you should override it so the rocket never has a controlling passenger and you probably don't want to subclass the boat class which is designed to be steered by the player. Also, this is nonsense and will crash a dedicated server: https://github.com/MasterJ-06/Neutron_Galaxy/blob/f78700fc2e8bca23d4cf98212095c12cdf3aa7a0/src/main/java/neutrongalaxy/masterj/neutrongalaxy/entities/RocketEntity.java#L93 And this will perform really badly. https://github.com/MasterJ-06/Neutron_Galaxy/blob/f78700fc2e8bca23d4cf98212095c12cdf3aa7a0/src/main/java/neutrongalaxy/masterj/neutrongalaxy/networking/packet/MoveRocketDownC2SPacket.java#L36 I don't see why you have done this in response to a network packet anyway? Shouldn't this be in the Rocket's tick() method and wouldn't normal gravity do this? The way you have it is all players not riding rockets spam down packets at the server 20 times a second. https://github.com/MasterJ-06/Neutron_Galaxy/blob/f78700fc2e8bca23d4cf98212095c12cdf3aa7a0/src/main/java/neutrongalaxy/masterj/neutrongalaxy/events/ClientEvents.java#L58
  25. Some issue with a missing object not registered properly. The logs/debug.log probably has more information as to why it is missing.
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