Oh well. At least that line is floating around now for searches. I managed to find it only by accident when helping someone else.
My question for you, if you've done it, is how do you localize the entity name? Mine keeps coming out as mod.[ent name].entityliving or somesuch.
ModLoader.addLocalization("mob.[entity_name].name", "[your_mob_name]")
I think that should do it.
So, I've made some crafting recipes, and they are crafted the opposite way. But if I craft both of them they return one and the same block.
First crafting recipe:
And the second crafting recipe:
So, if I craft them like so: "YXX","YXX","YXX" and so: "XXY","XXY","XXY", they return the block of the first crafting recipe.
I would like to have the 'Forge Modder' status under my character, because I'm the author of the very WIP mod BetterDecorations. I don't need a subforum cause it's very WIP.
Wow, your base class is extending BaseMod and it has the @Mod annotation. You shouldn't extends BaseMod and add all the required things to make it a forge mod, suchlike: the @SidedProxy, the @PreInit and the @PostInit annotation.
Are you modding in minecraft 1.4.7? Cause in 1.5.x you dont have to preload textures anymore. I've got a link for you that can help you out:
I think a way to solve that is to modify the collision boxes, just like you did with the bounding boxes. There's a method in the block class that you can put in your block class, but it's very messy.
I don't know howto do this exactly, butyou have to do something like:
public boolean isItemvalid(ItemStack par1ItemStack) {
if(par1ItemStack !=null)
if(par1ItemStack instanceof Block)
return true;
return false;
The easiest way to do it is to have all four rotations of the texture. Otherwise, you'll have to mess with BSRs.
Ok, It's easy to do the four rotations of the texture, but how would I implement them?
BTW, what are BSRs?
Ok, I made a multi-textured block and all the textures are (kinda) working, but the top texture is always facing at the same direction, and i don't want that. I would appriciate it very much cause it would make my mod better.
Thanks in advance,
- larsgerrits