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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. @diesieben07 that could be, i wasn't sure if it was that excactly, but i knew that it was something like that
  2. I suggest you go look at pahimars github repository, it has a EntityLicingHandler class that has the LivingDeathEvent event. If you look around in his repository, you'll find all the things you need for your mod.
  3. I don't have to update the block, cause you can place both blocks seperatly, and not like it receives a redstone signal, it changes the metadata, and it doesn't appear brighter in my inventory and if i place it down, cause its transparent.
  4. YAY!!! I DID IT!!! I used the code: public int getLightValue(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z) { this.setLightValue(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 1 ? 1 : 0); return lightValue[blockID]; }
  5. And how would i go about setting the light value instead of getting it? this seems to be the same for every block in the world using thsi method you could make the block look bright, but not emit light No, i don't want to make it look brighter, i want it to emit light, just like a torch does.
  6. No, i'm using a little if statement in the setLightValue method. In AE v12 there's quartz glass and vibrant quartz glass, they have the same id, but the vibrant one emits light. I really would like to know how they did it.
  7. Your right, I don't want to have 2 blocks, because i wan't to have as less as possible id's used. But i was thinking of something like: this.setLightValue(par1IBlockAccess.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 1 ? 15 : 0); but for that i need a IBlockAccess, and the coordinates, but i don't know how to get those.
  8. The first one i don't know, but on the second one you can use if(your_itemstack instanceof Block) { //YOUR CODE } for blocks, and if(your_itemstack instanceof Item) { //YOUR CODE } for items.
  9. 1) Are you registering the textures? 2) And how? 3) And are your textures in the right place?
  10. Ok, I have a metadata block that's working fine, but i want ti to be able to emit light if it's metadata is 1, and not if it's metadata is 0. If anyone know how to do this, i would very appriciate that.
  11. It sais it couldn't find the class "overcode.morestuffmod.Base". Are you using a API for your mod? If so, make sure your mod gets loaded after the API.
  12. I don't know what i'm doing wrong!!! That's why i'm asking on the forums!!! My last option is to code it again!!!And i don't want that!!!
  13. I personally find my way of doing it a lot better, but now let's focus again on the problem i had: textures.
  14. Than you'll have to use tile-entities and NBT.
  15. Seriously??? Nobody??? Sorry for the bumping but I really want this to work the way I want it to to work.
  16. Ok, I'm currently making glass that has connected textures. The bottom and the top works alright, but when i add the south side (which i think is called 2 in the code), the top and the bottom textures change. It doesn't affect the bottom/top textures if they are already connected. Pictures: BlockConnectedGlass.java (very long file!): Hope this made any sense, and hope you can't figure something out.
  17. From getDescriptionPacket return a Packet132TileEntityData. That has an NBTTagCompound as its parameter, put all the data you need on the client side in there, and read it back in onDataPacket (the Packet will arrive there). Ok that makes sense. Kinda, yes. What do you want to achieve? At first, I thaught that the TileEntitySpecialRenderer class only got the TileEntity booleans once, and that I needed a method to constantly check for the booleans.
  18. That could be the case, but which packets do i have to send for them to sync? Are you talking about TickHandlers? If it kinda like the same as the updateEntity() method in the TileEntity class, that could be yes.
  19. BTW does anyone know if there's an update method that checks every tick or something like that, just like in the TileEntity class with the updateEntity class.
  20. So, I made a custom block model and it works, I added some checklines to check if the redstone control works, and it did. Now my only problem is that in the TileEntitySpecialRenderer class, it checks for a boolean in the TileEntity class, which is updated by the block itself, but it isn't updating it's textures based on the state of the boolean. It only uses 1 texture. TileEntitySpecialRenderer.java TileEntity.java: Block.java:
  21. Wow, I can't seem to find what's causing the bug...
  22. You can't name a string, you need an Item, Block or an Itemstack. Try adding in your item that you want to name in the first parameter, instead of a string.
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