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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. I was in the middle of making the thread and I hit post accidently... But it's there now
  2. In my mod, I have a custom modelled block. The first problem is when I place it down in-game it's invisible. You can see the bounding-boxes, but you can't see the block itself. The second problem is when i hold it in my hand it's a black/purple squared icon, instead of my custom modelled block. I have a class that implements IItemRenderer and I registered it correctly (I think) and I have a class that extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer which (I think) registered correctly. BlockStreetlight.java: ClientProxy.java: I don't have anything in my CommonProxy and TileEntityStreetlight(I'll be adding stuff later on) class ModelStreetlight.java (I'm using the new TechneModelLoader): ItemStreetlightRenderer.java: TileEntityStreetlightRenderer.java:
  3. You said that you made everything lower case? Modid? In your registerIcon method? Folder names?
  4. Try updating to another version of forge (latest/recommended)
  5. And what about the other classes? And you need to remove the line: public static ClientProxy Cproxy
  6. Did you edit the EnumToolMaterial class? YOU SHOULD NEVER DO THAT!!! THERE'S ALWAYS A WAY AROUND!!!
  7. Do you really think that you get help when the only thing you say is: "error"and post a error log without any code?
  8. Pfffff..... ONLY change public static ClientProxy client; to public static ServerProxy proxy; PS. Every time you edit thecode post the new ones here.
  9. I'm sorry to tell you, but that's hardcoded in. BUT, what you can do is create a new class that implements IRecipe, copy all the code from the ShapedRecipe class, remove line 54-57 and add this line to the place where you initialize recipes: GameRegistry.addRecipe(new YOUR_CLASS_THAT_IMPLEMENTS_IRECIPE(3, 3, input, output));
  10. Try updating to the latest/recommended forge for minecraft 1.6.2
  11. I tested it didn't work but first it was extending ModelBase, then it also didn't work :'( The error points to line 17 on the server proxy class. You shouldn't put anything in the serverproxy class only in the client proxy class.
  12. Make your model class extend ModelBiped instead of ModelChicken. I don't know if that's the case, but i had some problems if I didn't let it extends ModelBipeD.
  13. So how would I implement that in my mod? Just let all the blocks I want to have in 1 ID create a new TileEntityExtendedMeta instance?
  14. How long did you take to wait for the installer to finish? Jinput-2.0.5-sources.jar took a long tie to download by me, maybe thats the same case as you?
  15. Ok I will let you know if it worked
  16. To get rid of the tile. before the picture file, that's where the substring(5) is for.
  17. As the title states above i have a MCP error. Here's my console: If anyone knows where I can find that log that was stated in the above picture, I can give that to you guys either.
  18. You can just copy over the class where the horse armor is located in? And edit it to your likings?
  19. In the decompiled minecraft, rock isn't a field anymore. Do you use Pahimar's workspace? So yes did you just copy all the files from the eclipse folder/project? I had that either, and then I came to the conclusion that i needed to use ant and an build.xml file. Pahimar's github account has all of those. Just change it to your likes.
  20. So if I use that, I can have infinite blocks in 1 ID like Redpower does?
  21. Just took a look at your mod. Are you using TileEntites for the roads, or just future planned stuff? If it's for the roads, I wouldn't recommend it. I tried it briefly in my FlenixRoads mod, but they de-render after a certain distance so I changed how I made them and ended up using more IDs than planned I'm currently not using tile entitys for my road blocks, but I think that there about 8 different blocks but with different directions. If I know how to use TileEntitys for the blocks (like Redpower does) I would be able to add more road blocks in a single id instead with more ids
  22. Redpower does some really heavy stuff with TileEntitys. I don't know how you can implement that in your mod, but if it's possible (I know that it's possible) and you figured it out, can you please post the code or point me to the right direction, cause that could really help my mod to use way less IDs than it now has...
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