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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Using Windows 7 shouldn't be an issue. Define "doesn't work". If it crashes, post the crash report.
  2. That is not the complete log. Also, tell your friend to update her OS (Vista, seriously?).
  3. Solution: update to 1.10.2. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge.
  4. In your ItemSlab class.
  5. It has been stated before on the forums that MrCrayfish's tutorials are not very good. I'll show you what I mean: Use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation instead of Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register . Don't put client code (ModItems.registerRenderers() inside common code ( ModItems . Put it on your ClientProxy . You should use item/generated in your model JSON instead of builtin/generated . Don't initialize your @Instance variable yourself, Forge does it for you. You have that awful EModItems (why?) but you never use it. You don't need the display object in your model JSON, as it handled for you by item/generated . There are more issues with your code and his tutorials that you haven't gotten to yet, and I won't go into detail right now.
  6. Yes, we know you are running Forge for Minecraft version 1.8: Details: Minecraft Version: 1.8 Operating System: Windows XP (x86) version 5.1 JVM Flags: 6 total; <~> -Xmx512M <~> Now please explain why you won't update your Minecraft and your OS, and increasing the amount of RAM you allocate to Minecraft.
  7. Override getItem to return the ItemStack dropped.
  8. I'm blind... Is there actually a reason the method is client only? And not only this method but also some others where there isn't a reason to be client only.
  9. What do you mean "it's Forge"?
  10. You solve it by updating to 1.10.2. Seriously, why would anyone still use 1.7.10, it's more than 2 years old, and not supported by Forge anymore.
  11. Call ItemMonsterPlacer.applyEntityIdToItemStack() on your ItemStack with an Item of type ItemMonsterPlacer , and return that.
  12. Also, if you want to change a BlockPos over 1 block, use BlockPos#[direction]() .
  13. Why are you still using Minecraft 1.8 on Windows XP with 512MB of RAM? Try updating all three of them.
  14. Take a look at http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/, it is the documentation of Forge, including networking.
  15. Yes, even in singleplayer there's a client and a server involved.
  16. If you want, you can make a pull request to the Forge Documentation GitHub, and if it gets accepted, it will put on http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/, which already has some nice documentation.
  17. Forge doesn't change things that don't have to be changed.
  18. To render text on a screen, it has to bind the unicode texture to actually draw different letters and numbers from. It doesn't rebind the previous texture, so you have to do it after you are drawing text.
  19. Good for you, it's just that this thread is over 6 months old, and there's no need to reply to that.
  20. Why the hell are you STILL using 1.6.4? It's more than 3 YEARS old. Any version except for the latest and the one below are not supported on this forum. Update to 1.102.
  21. I forgot to lock this one... We don't support 1.7.10 because people should update. NOBODY has any good enough reason to stay on 1.7.10. So the solution to your problem is: update to 1.10.2.
  22. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by on this forum.
  23. You still have several cases of where various files aren't allowed to be written to.
  24. I might have overlooked it, but the only thing in that log is INFO or WARN, and no ERROR or any Exception. Or you didn't post the complete log.
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