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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. It's sad to see so many people still using 1.7.10... But I like the idea! This is a good thing to see how many people use which MC version, and which Java version (seriously, 1 guy is already using Java 9...).
  2. You'd have to use the API for those mods. But Thermal Expansion isn't updated to 1.10.2 (yet), so does this suggest you are not on 1.10.2?
  3. No I do not. It probably has a very different name than the current MC versions. You'll have to look at the code to figure it out.
  4. There are various ways you can pass a World object. For example, you can use setWorldObj on the TileEntity to set the world. You can get a World object from Minecraft#theWorld (GUI), or your own TileEntity 's worldObj. You can also pass in the World reference to Block#createTileEntity and TileEntity#hasCapability to reduce the chance on NPEs.
  5. You shouldn't, as there's no reason not to. 1.11 will be out soon, which will make 1.8 not supported by Forge anymore. So update to 1.10.2 now, or 1.11 later.
  6. There is currently no mapping for INDEV afaik, so you either have to make your own, or deal with obfuscated names. P.S. Lex is not the creator of MCP, but the creator of Forge.
  7. This is one of the reasons one should use the new RegistryEvent s, to avoid problems like these.
  8. if (event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT) { I'm checking if the side is the Client, so I don't have to worry 'bout that. Doesn't matter. Java still needs to load the class "in case the class gets called". It doesn't exist on the server side, so it crashes with a ClassNotFoundException . Putting that code in a proxy will solve that issue.
  9. Zip it up, put it in a Dropbox or something else where you can download it, and post the link.
  10. Why the hell do you create a new TileEntity and a new Entity ? Get the existing ones from the world. Also:
  11. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge.
  12. You should have 1 workspace/module/folder per mod. If you want, in Eclipse you can import other projects into the same Eclipse window.
  13. Good for you. Now so you actually have a question or issue?
  14. Forge caches every version of Minecraft and Forge in your user folder. If you make a separate folder for your second mod with the same Forge version, it actually uses the same JAR file with the Minecraft and Forge source.
  15. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge.
  16. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge.
  17. Try disabling the splash screen as described in the EAQ.
  18. You need to have the collision box smaller (0,0,0,1,1,1), or else the player or any other Entity won't be able to collide with it.
  19. It is because of this: You actually have called the folder minecraft.textures.gui . This is 1 folder and not 3 folders underneath each other. If you make the folders separately, like your other folders, it will work fine from Eclipse.
  20. On the bottom-right of the page you can click the Notify button to notify you by email when there's a message in this thread.
  21. You have to remove the JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable.
  22. You shouldn't have the JAVA_OPTIONS set... But you have, so it overrides the 8GB RAM you wanted with the 512MB from JAVA_OPTIONS
  23. You can look at GameData to look at the various registries added by Forge.
  24. If you want to follow development on FML, he has streamed a little bit on his Twitch profile, and he said he is going to try to stream every Sunday.
  25. This is not true. Forge supports Java 6 and later. For now, Forge does support Java 6. However, cpw is reworking FML and he is going to use a lot of Java 8 features, which will make Java 8 a requirement in the new FML, which he hopes is going to be in MC 1.11 or 1.12.
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