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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. How... is your TE getting set to null? It is not being set to null. I had a debug statement for that as well (it never ran). May have snipped it just before I posted the code, as I knew that was not the problem. But you said, "this runs once and only prints a 0"... Please excuse me if I'm being obtuse.
  2. Harder to determine a short-term average. *Shrug* You just say that because you're jealous. Math.power(a,b); Stupider [sic] than **. Probably. I'm still waiting for a computer language that allows for Knuth up-arrow notation. Why would you need... never mind, I shouldn't ask. Actually, what would be nice is... well, I own a TI-85, which understands what is meant by 2(x-1)(x+2) whereas computers would want it to be written 2*(x-1)*(x+2). That would be a great feature.
  3. I may add that I recommend to use the reobfuscate_srg.(bat/sh), since then you don't have to worry about updating your mod every Minecraft bugfix update (like the 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 updates) Why, exactly? what do you mean with "why"? why I recommend this or why you don't have to worry about updating your mod during MC bugfix updates? I personally would be interested in the later part. How does the magic work, any leads? You heard of "runtime deobfuscation"? Forge converts the obfuscated code in Minecraft (the classes/methods/fields named a, bs, aab etc.) to deobfuscated "SRG names" (like func_34423 for methods etc.) while Minecraft runs. Those are indices which won't change unless there is an update which introduces new stuff or removes old stuff. That's why a mod reobfuscated with srg names won't break until a next "mod-breaking" update, like the 1.3 update was (introducing an internal server in singleplayer) or the 1.5 one (new texture system), basically a mod compiled in 1.5 will work with 1.5.2 (if written corectly, of course). If you don't, you most likely have to update to the next bugfix update. Yes, I indeed stumbled upon the word "runtime deobfuscation". In fact, I am checking whether FML detected a pre-de-obfuscated environment to set my "debug mode" flag. As far as I've understood, the reobfuscate_srg.bat/.sh file will only re-obfuscate necessary references that aren't de-obfuscated at runtime, did I get that right? Thanks for your explanation. Ditto. I'd heard you were supposed to use the SRG names but I didn't know why. Thanks!
  4. Dangit, I saw that, but I assumed it was for tool strength not type... misleading function name.
  5. "It doesn't work" is so...unuseful. Q: "It doesn't work!" A: "You did something wrong."
  6. Oh yeah? Well, I predate you! (lol, hipster) I meant that I've overtaken 95% of the forum user base in posts in the last two months. My average posts per day is 3 times what it is for the other prolific users. Not that I see this as an accomplishment, it's just staggering. Oh? I came out of stasis two weeks ago and had about 50 posts then. Math.power(a,b); Stupider [sic] than **.
  7. The !isRemote would be my first guess. I was testing it and apparently the rounds value isn't changing properly...any ideas? In both client and server?
  8. How... is your TE getting set to null?
  9. Take the line GL11.glTranslatef(-0.5F, 0, -0.5F); and change it to GL11.glTranslatef(-0.5F,-1, -0.5F);
  10. Erm, aren't you supposed to put your TESR in the client/ folder? Also, what exactly doesn't work? Does it simply not render?
  11. Agreed. This has gotten out of hand. I regret making a big deal of it myself; I should have just ignored him once he refused to give me his jar. I guess I wanted to make a point. If you (ThauxCraft) had any sense you would quickly realize that "Pentachron Labs" is not a serious business attempt, but a name for his dev-team. Also if you thought he was trying to make money from modding, or if you even thought that modding was a way to make any decent amount of money you are massively incorrect. Modding is allowed for by Mojang, but not the sale of mods, which would be an infringement of their copyrights (you can find all this on the Minecraft website). Too true. To be a "CEO" is even too much of a claim for me, seeing as I'm equal partners with AJ. We're not trying to make any money off any of our code. Heck, I'm only a teenager! Now, I understand that TuxCraft is more worried about credit than he is about money. I have given my response to that. I'm a corporate giant! Whee! Business is fun! My point all along. And maybe it's time to leave it at that. I hope you (TuxCraft) solve your problem! I had been wondering why you thanked both of us...
  12. No, it's more like an event that you handle. I think. I haven't been using them much.
  13. The problem about this is that you can't get the size of a generated biome. You can force your generation so that it doesn't generate if it's too close to an other biome, but EXACTLY the middle of the biome is pretty impossible due to the fact that the world gen is pretty much randomized. You could take the average location of all the blocks in that biome... which would be a lengthy process, especially in Large Biomes. Or perhaps there is a "seed block"? Alternatively, if you just don't want it to be too close to the edge, you could do a check on all blocks within a certain radius.
  14. The !isRemote would be my first guess.
  15. I'd just like to point out that I'm ninth. And a newer user than ALL THE OTHER NINE. Oh yeah? Well, I predate you! (lol, hipster) Actually, I have so few because I had to leave Minecraft modding for a while when school took over. But now I'm back! Or you could use random.nextInt(16**6), or do an HSV-to-RGB conversion with values (random.nextInt(16**2),0,100). Ahm just a short question. What does the double-*-sign do? I have never seen that in any javacode yet. PS: keep them answers coming, the more, the better. And opne a possibility for me to ask something back just for the post-count Ah, silly me. That's a Python feature; it means "to the power of." Java doesn't have that, which is stupid. Java has a habit of being stupid.
  16. On this forum, we all try to add one to our post count. I won't lie; I'm only 1817 away from Dragon Slayer. I mean, how do you *think* he got to be the fifth most prolific poster? He had way too much time on my hands.
  17. There's about five or six warnings in vanilla/forge. They never have any effect. Although I don't think any of those are the aforementioned warnings, so, like my esteemed colleague says, update!
  18. You bumped this after, what, not even four minutes? Anyway, what's wrong with Mew's code?
  19. Lolz. Well, I'm glad I solved at least half of your problem
  20. Ah. Try using more than one AABB instead. One for the front of the tractor, one for the middle, one for the back. The problem there is that many functions refer directly to the boundingBox field. Then again, I suppose I could use three seperate entities for the tractor. Now there's an idea.
  21. Or you could use random.nextInt(16**6), or do an HSV-to-RGB conversion with values (random.nextInt(16**2),0,100).
  22. That's a vanilla warning...
  23. The wut? As for ents: As long as you're modifying the AI behavior of an existing entity, it's not too bad. Ents? Let's not be hasty. ...As I said, the NAABB situation.
  24. Uhh, Isn't there something called a configuration file? Well, yes. But those are the default values. So far as I know (and my knowledge is actually outdated as I am used to 1.4.6) Forge hasn't implemented the reassignation system yet.
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