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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. Argh, I can't type. I meant 466. The one it's crashing on.
  2. The easiest way to do it is to have all four rotations of the texture. Otherwise, you'll have to mess with BSRs.
  3. Use Forge's LivingSpawnEvent, then checkcast the EntityLiving obj to EntityPlayer.
  4. You could put a "print par2" statement in your getIcon() code (this will spam stdout, but it's the easiest way.) Make sure there's none of your blocks in the world.
  5. The GUI is linked to the container. Perhaps that is not the problem, but it is necessary.
  6. Lisp is a functional language, not an imperative language. While you obviously cant only have one way of doing things for everything, I'm sure it is one of the reasons why the parenthesis trick usually doesn't work. I'm sure it could be implemented without too much trouble, but is avoided for other reasons. Yes, I know, but it's difficult to work with, and to understand. PYTHON FTW! Seen it. Also Brain Fuck, Whitespace, Piet, Velato, Omgrofl, Malbolge, and Befunge. Dammit, stop being cooler than me. Although I do have to thank you for showing me those. TBH I'd only heard about Malbolge before, but not in detail, and Befunge I found when trying to find Piet (by which I mean I'd forgotten the name). I don't even know how I stumbled across LOLCODE; I think it was the Wikipedia random button. I was actually thinking about making an esoteric language myself that was completely grammatically correct. Let "x" represent the number five. If the value represented by "x" is greater than three, write "Hello, World" to the console.
  7. True. But, as I said, why does it not work? How does it display?
  8. So is coding =D And sorry for calling you an idiot that was a little out of hand. Sometimes I just go into attack mode and aim to kill, so I do apologize for that. No hard feelings? Death to stereotypes! Shoot for the stars! I would note that the stars would burn me up if I got too close... Just sayin'. Wow, it's an argument on the Internet where we stopped, apologized, and settled our differences! *faints*
  9. Seen it. Also Brain Fuck, Whitespace, Piet, Velato, Omgrofl, Malbolge, and Befunge. Dammit, stop being cooler than me. Although I do have to thank you for showing me those.
  10. What's line 406 of your mod file?
  11. That's a bad idea. You can't package a file accessed by Configuration with your mod, and you probably don't want to hardcode all your names (well, default names anyway.) I have a system if you like; you can find it here. But, if you'd still rather your way, then I ask: how does the item name display?
  12. RP is sneaky. It uses item metadata (which goes up to 32768) and... somehow... transfers that to TE NBT data. Um... it looks like you override onItemUse(), set the block, then set the TE data for that block (casting to your TE first of course.)
  13. Um... what's the metadata of the IS in your inventory? Because if it's 0 or 1, you're not going to get anything.
  14. It is most definitely not. Write a custom renderer and put a System.out.println("I am rendering") in it. It gets called once when the block is placed and once again every time it updates. The results the doRender() function are essentially saved and reused to cut down on overhead (imagine if every block in your view needed to be recalculated every tick!). Oh, silly me. I'm thinking of Entities of course. So perhaps startSwordRender isn't getting run because the TE is null? (I'm just grasping at straws here...)
  15. "Can" also means that you need a computer powerful enough. Besides, unless computing large numbers is a hobby (I wouldn't put it past you) or some part of your job, I'd think you'd be better off writing your own functions. That's probably what such a feature would look like in any language anyway, even as a builtin. Point. I just think it would be amusing. You want amusing? Look at LOLCODE.
  16. Change that last argument from 0 to 3.
  17. As someone who has made a parser for a defined language that my teacher wanted us to implement, I can say that there are very good reasons why we cant program using 2(x+1) instead of 2*(x+1). Parsing code is not a simple thing, especially when the language needs to be deterministic. Additionally, a language should ideally have orthogonality. Basically, one way to do something, and one way only, because that makes it easy to read and write. How frustrated would you be to read through someone's code and see them switching between every possible way of writing 2*(x+1) every time they use it? By minimizing the ways that it works, a language becomes more readable. Also, 2(x+1) reminds me more of a method call than a multiplication. Not a good thing. That makes me think of Lojban. A language designed to be entirely abstract, without any ambiguity, and with one form of syntax for everything, would be nigh unreadable. I mean, look at Lisp. I agree in principle, though; I'm pointing out that there are situations where such syntax could be useful. *Innocent look* So I can calculate things like the XKCD number. "Can" also means that you need a computer powerful enough. Besides, unless computing large numbers is a hobby (I wouldn't put it past you) or some part of your job, I'd think you'd be better off writing your own functions. That's probably what such a feature would look like in any language anyway, even as a builtin.
  18. You don't need to. Use metadata, and override onBlockPlacedBy() while checking the EntityLiving.rotationYaw.
  19. I thought that doRender() should be called every tick...
  20. You need to return your Container in getServerGUIElement(). Someone else had a similar problem and that was the solution.
  21. That is more helpful. So an ItemStack is null, which would seem to imply that you are passing null in one of your recipes when you shouldn't be. Check the contents of CFGVillagerHandler.tradesData and make sure that none of the ItemStacks are null.
  22. Unless you overrode moveEntity(), I don't see any reason why noClip should fail. Ah well.
  23. par5 and par4 are what exactly?
  24. Gee. Did you try declaring it and defining it first? Variables aren't magic. Variables... aren't magic? You mean they LIED to me?! Draco, you've just ruined my childhood. Next thing you'll be telling me Santa Claus isn't real either.
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