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Everything posted by Jacky2611

  1. I am using something like world.provider.instance==0 to check the dimension. Forgive me it ist not 100% correct, i am posting this with my Smartphone.
  2. Just an idea, but could we use "calculateCelestialAngle()" to keep the sun low? I am just having the exact same problem...
  3. Do your items get consumed? And are smelted Items outputed? Or is only The progreesbar Not working? Maybe i am Wrong, but it looks like you never sync client/server. Can't Rallye See it on my Smartphone display.
  4. ahhh... assets.* packages have to be in src/main/resources. Don't forget to press the "thankyou" button
  5. Have you already tried: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Crafting_and_Smelting
  6. @jabelar this is awesome. Could you please post this tutorial somewhere on the wiki?
  7. Can we see a screenshot of your package explorer please?
  8. Hi! I am just writing my first mod (called "DimensionShift") and came to a point where i want to clean up some code to (maybe) publish the first version. The whole mod is based around traveling through dimensions(i am definitely going to add mystcraft support). Right now i have two ways to travel to other dimensions. First i have a block that, once charged up, moves every mob, player and Block in a radius of 30m to my custom dimension and back. Than i have a person-teleporter, it is a multiblock structure that needs an already installed (and charged) receiver in the other dimension. I am planing to add a less advanced portable version(with an 2% chance that you end up in the middle of nowhere) of my person-teleporter and some other things such as teleportation arrows and some kind of dimension-tnt. The first name i need is for my custom dimension and all natural generated blocks such as stone or grass. Here are some pics: Its an abandoned world with a few rare items (btw, i need a name for my ore too(required to build dimension engines and machines)) maybe 1 or 2 bosses(ideas?) and a few biomes. And yeah, I made it after playing Terraria for 5 hours. Just tell me if i should change the design. I also need names for an Item group made out of redstone and ender pearls/eyes that is used to build circuits and machines. Right now i call them "Ender Dust", "Ender Lense"... but i think that this doesn't really describe the items since they have nothing to do with the end. It would really be awesome if someone could suggest some names or ideas. Jacky I am sorry for my bad english, was in a hurry when i wrote this.
  9. And the color? EDIT: Lol, this post made me to a "Creeper Killer"
  10. Fun fact: I have the same problem: my players are dismounted to(same with horses). I decided to just ignore it. Tell me if someone has an (easy) idea how to do it.
  11. Have you already watched this tutorial?
  12. The reason why I can't upgrade to 1.7 is because every time I try to upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7 :MinecraftRecomp Fails. I don't know why but i'm still trying to figure it out. Once I get to 1.7 I will delete this thread. What OS are you using? I had the same problem on my mac.
  13. Sounds like fun I think i have Seen a backpack mod somewhere. Maybe the author is willing to share some code.
  14. Looks like server and client aren't synced...(Made the same mistake ) Try to add something like this to your container: (simpleController is my tileEntity, you will have to change it to match your entity) public void detectAndSendChanges(){ super.detectAndSendChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < this.crafters.size(); ++i) { ICrafting icrafting = (ICrafting)this.crafters.get(i); if (this.lastDimensionEnergy != this.simpleController.dimensionEnergy) { icrafting.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 0, this.simpleController.dimensionEnergy); } if (this.lastEnergy != this.simpleController.energy) { icrafting.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 1, this.simpleController.energy); } if (this.lastTimeUntillTp != this.simpleController.timeUntillTp) { icrafting.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 2, this.simpleController.timeUntillTp); } } this.lastDimensionEnergy = this.simpleController.dimensionEnergy; this.lastEnergy = this.simpleController.energy; this.lastTimeUntillTp =this.simpleController.timeUntillTp; //this.lastItemBurnTime = this.tileFurnace.currentItemBurnTime; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void updateProgressBar(int slot, int value){ if(slot==0)this.simpleController.dimensionEnergy=value; if(slot==1)this.simpleController.energy=value; if(slot==2)this.simpleController.timeUntillTp=value; } If you tried to do this and it doesn't work could you please post your code? IF it works, don't forget to press the thank you button.
  15. Sorry for the mess in the spoiler....reinstalled the factory rom on my smartphone and messed up my dictionary.... We can't help you if you don't show us your code.... It shouldn't be this difficult to downgrade this pipes. Why do you even use 1.6? The last 1.7 release is nearly perfect. And @sequituri (<-- not sure if this works) what would you change? As far as i know there isn't any better tutorial out there and i don't want to copy paste buildcraft code.... And why did i click "thankyou"? I tried to quote you. Maybe i should switch back to cyanogenmod....
  16. ScratchForFun? Can really recommend his video tutorials. They helped me a lot with my rotate block problem.... Maybe i should add cables to my mod... EDIT: You should have a look at Universal Electricity, its compatible with nearly every big mod... EDIT2:wrong link:http://www.youtube.com/user/ScratchForFun
  17. Are you a modder or a player? (Do you want to get the development environment or do you just want to play modded mc?)
  18. You said "the item". Does this mean that you want check if the player is holding a special item? In this case i would place the code in the item class.
  19. Yeah, but right now i concentrate on remaking everything else. Maybe i will have a look at that once i solved my Blocklist + coordinates problem...
  20. Thats an awesome idea but most likely its going to be a bit hard to stop that equipping thing.(At least i never saw something that could be usefull in the item class) I would get rid of the damage and add the energy bar to the texture. And yes, you can save nearly everything to nbt. Maybe i can find some code thats helpful for you in my old 1.6 version(I am currently rewriting everything to update to 1.7...).
  21. Ugh... I can't understand it. Guess i have to wait for more detailed ones. Thats the same think i thought when i saw this mess of code...netty is BIG and scary...
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