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Everything posted by Eternaldoom

  1. You need to override getRenderType to return -1. You are trying to render it as both a tile entity and as a block. And the reason rendering it as a block isnt working is that you dont register the ISBRH.
  2. Umm... What error? What does it say? Did you run the setup tasks properly? Are the imports done properly?
  3. Is there an error on the console? Post it.
  4. In writeToNBT, I'm setting a compound tag with the data from the itemstack, and reading it in readFromNBT.
  5. That's not the problem, it looks like he's registering it. The problem is you don't assign that PlantGenerator field a value before registering it.
  6. Oh, now I see the problem. You are trying to use a tool material when it is still null. Add the toolmaterial before your item.
  7. Are you sure the file is not corrupted or some weird format, and it's dimensions are a power of 2?
  8. It's both. But the main reason is to place both parts.
  9. You shouldn't be separating the modid and name with an underscore. Use a colon so that it recognizes your resource domain.
  10. It looks like a problem with the LWJGL native library stuff on windows 10. Have a look at LWJGL news/announcements, see if they've said anything about windows 10.
  11. https://github.com/Eternaldoom/Realms-of-Chaos/blob/1.8/com/eternaldoom/realmsofchaos/blocks/TileEntityDisplayCase.java
  12. It was in preInit, that wasn't the problem. Why did you comment out mod blocks.init? As a test try putting modid: before the name when you register the block.
  13. Maybe stop using forge directions and just use addition? See if that works.
  14. Do you have a container or something that puts the item in the tileentity?
  15. No idea, I've had this problem too, solved it by putting a random in getCanSpawnHere
  16. Define "making the game crash." Crashing when it starts up? When you put it on? Post the crash report.
  17. For the unlocalized name: you need a custom ItemBlock. Have a look at this. For the crops, I think you can, but keep in mind that a block can only have 16 variants. And some of that might be easier in 1.8 with BlockStates.
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