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Everything posted by Degubi

  1. When I place my block in the world, the console should print MY block's coords and the block's name, but it's printing my block's neighbours' coords and names.. code: http://pastebin.com/pZsjDbeg trace: http://pastebin.com/PcJXvcQd
  2. Maybe move this post to bug section?
  3. http://pastebin.com/j7wXyVM1
  4. Client latest log: http://pastebin.com/SzMDU5RW Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q93Qf9dxH78&feature=youtu.be What I'm doing is I'm placing down my block, and it should give it's coords in the console, but it gives it's neighbours' instead.
  5. And is the crash related with the netty bug?
  6. Take a look at GuiMaiMenu's renderSkybox method. You can see how drawing is done after the WorldRender obj is inited.
  7. I have this code written: http://pastebin.com/ASjQVs7q Shouldn't it give it my own block's coords and the block itself instead of this? http://pastebin.com/jSXbH5Zi
  8. nov. 27, 2015 6:08:45 DU io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer safeSuccess WARNING: Failed to mark a promise as success because it is done already: DefaultChannelPromise@1025f7ef(success) I get this error in console, after the world has loaded and I started moving. It sometimes crashes, too. Full console log: http://pastebin.com/WQJqDdzA Console log WHEN crashed: http://pastebin.com/SNv0A7Ys Forge build: 1.8.8-
  9. When can we expect it to work?
  10. I'm getting this error, while I'm trying to update to 1.8.8. It points to the mappings line of my build.gradle file. Full console log: http://pastebin.com/xRCpRCAU
  11. My IDE never shows this error.. I had a lot of trouble with it in my Worldgen files.
  12. Instant structure? Like if you click somewhere a building appears?
  13. Is there a way to define item and block models without writing the models into json files? Because I started updating my old mod and I have to write like 2000 model files..
  14. We just discovered, that all of my mobs can do the same thing.
  15. What do you need? Mob classes/main mod file/..?
  16. Hi. I was recording a video with my friend, when I saw a goat(a mob in my mod). I think the mob only spawned on the client side, because my friend couldn't see it. When I relogged to the server the goat disappeared. Register methods and spawning: http://pastebin.com/4C5LYTSs
  17. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Furnace_Fuel
  18. Hi, I registered my mob with the new registerModEntity method, that registers the spawn egg, too. But when I scroll wheel click on any vanilla mob, I get it's spawn egg. With the new method I get nothing.
  19. Lol... Eclipse doesn't show any error here, but thanks for helping me.! It's fixed now.!
  20. Ok, then I have to upload 2 jars, because I have a "registry mod". I use this in all of my mods.. reg mod: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dc7jjsgp6j972iy/RegistryMod--1.8.jar main mod: http://www.mediafire.com/download/fhh8ab9frekoeed/TCMod--1.8.jar
  21. It's working in eclipse. It crashes when I start it after the compilation. I compile with gradlew build.
  22. Nobody has this problem?
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