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Everything posted by Degubi

  1. setSize(Width, height) in the entity's constructor.
  2. yes, public class "NameHere" extends BlockBed.
  3. Try to extend BlockBed with your block class.
  4. Yes, Minecraft is still made of blocks with a few magic things. Anyway, thanks for your help.!
  5. Just one print from the constructor(I forget that I register the render in ClientProxy with MCForgeClient.registerItemRender). Also, I think the problem is that the model is too complicated... 1.2 MB, there are more than 12000 vertices!
  6. I have a custom rendered item. It has an .obj model and it creates very big lag. Is this ok?? render code: http://pastebin.com/4dDhtRFZ
  7. I discovered that when I run MC 1.8, minecraft exports the Atlas png to my Minecraft folder. Is there a way to do this in Mc 1.7.10?
  8. You could try to use PlayerInteractEvent. Right click & Block.bed, give it a try!
  9. I think 1 print for client, and one for server.
  10. Shouldn't need to play Sounds on the server? Because If I play it on client side I can't hear it.
  11. For example: If I equip to a sword I want to play a sword sound, If I equip to a bow I want to play a bow sound. Is there a way to do this? Or to detect Item changes? I tried TickEvent, but I think it's not the best choice to do this.,.
  12. It's because you create the object in the postInit method. Make a field(p s CreativeTabs tabname) and init it in the fmlpreinit method.
  13. That was I actuatly did, but solved, it was an issue in the TE render...
  14. Seems like working, but: This is actuatly 2 blocks(has an itemblock which places 2 of them) and I can't figure out how not to render the top's 0th side and the bottom's 1st side.
  15. So, use an ISBRH when the player is not near the block?
  16. Hm, thanks. I realy thought that I could throw away the TE, because there are lots of in the world(it's generated in my icy biome)
  17. I have a 2 tall ice block. It renders a creeper inside it. It also uses a TE and a TESR. Is there a way to do it with ISBRH? Because I don't know how to render entities with ISBRH, like texture binding. Or should I just keep the TE?
  18. Loader.ismodLoaded(modid). Do this in the post init!
  19. I think you suggested things that are impossible to be in forge. You have gui overlay event, you have gui open event,. It's not the forge's job to change such things like these.(i think)
  20. Eh, this happens if I'm not English.(I hate this, don't care), also every time I create a new block(register with GameReg) FML injects it's data to the server. I want to "take control" over it, I just don't know how. (Don't misunderstand me, please...)
  21. Is there anything like this? An event, or a method from anyone of the FML events?
  22. Is there a way to add gamerules? Like the mobGriefing gamerule?
  23. You have to call setSize() in your Entity's class, in game press f3+b to debug it. e.g after the super(world); setSize(x, z), where x is the width and z is the height of your mob
  24. Solved. It was my fault...... But there's another thing that is happening randomly when I start a map. CrashRep: http://pastebin.com/CAbHrDuF Latest: http://pastebin.com/VHw6EPD0
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