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Everything posted by Degubi

  1. I can't see any texture, or hitbox, or collide with it(also printing oout a placed string from onBlockPlaced method prints nothing too...), also I use the 1004 version of FML.
  2. Block: Normal block, nothing in the Block's class file(just extends Block), registered with gameregistry, also the jsons: assets/testmod/blockstates && models state: http://pastebin.com/zKZ9gf7F blockrender: http://pastebin.com/H4RHTSiW itemrender: http://pastebin.com/hqWmf099
  3. I think the wrong was with metadata is was the same with ID-s. They were not limited and just "magic numbers"....
  4. We have to make 3 Json files for each block(I think), one for the blockstate(s), one for the item render, and one for the block render. I still can't make them work... I took the idea from the MC jar... Why is this good for modders???...
  5. Yes, also with blocks: setBlockNames reversed to setUnlocalizedNames, you have to use getBounding box to get a mob's bounding box, AxisAlignedBB.getRenderBounds become AxisAlignedBB.fromBounds. Some changes... Also I still can't find a way to render blocks in the world...
  6. I have noticed that there are FML releases for MC 1.8. So I started again modding with the basics... I created a basic block with no special properties, but I can't make a texture to show in the game, or just render a block normally. A lot of stuff has changed in 1.8... Is there anyone who can help me??
  7. Wow, it is beautiful! Big thanks 4 that!
  8. I need it for a boat. How much do you recommend? Because I use 5 and it turns very slowly.(The boat Entity class is the same with the vanilla's)
  9. Is there a proper value to set in the EntityRegistry.registerModEntity update frequency parameter? There was a similar post, but it was posted about 2 years ago... http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=2897.0
  10. I looked for it in the abstractclientplayer file, but I can' solve the parameters in the ThreadDownloadImage line.
  11. Is there a way to bind a texture from an url? I want it to use in a gui, but from an url. (Sry 4 bad english)
  12. You have 2 init events. preInit(FMLInit...) Init(FMLInit) Change the preInit to the correct FMLPreInit Event.
  13. I made it! Thanks for the hint.!
  14. Of course, thanks for the hint, I'll try it out.
  15. Is there a way to add mineshafts to custom biomes? Like the village or stronghold way in the biomemanager?
  16. Oh, realy? I didn't know that it violates the EULA!
  17. Hm, maybe you are correct... Also, there are lots of 10 yrs kids in Hungary who like to copy mods, so I just disabled SP(by replacing the main menu with forge events) and then they started using it on their own servers. I wrote the mod for a specified server and I don't want to see it on another servers. What do you recommend then?
  18. Is there a way to acces the server properties file? Or get a server's name? (I need it because i need to make my mod to be playable on one server.
  19. It was written by the server console. Is this an error in my mod? If it is how to solve it?
  20. I'm fully idiot... nevermind, I looked up to your answer(about 5 lines above this comment) and solved it... Now you make a big facepalm and I say again Thanks!!
  21. The only thing that I can't figure out is the crash that I showed you yesterday... It seems that something is wrong with my ItemSlab constructor... http://pastebin.com/YPgd8qyM I have tried to cast BlockSlab in the Registry, in the constructor, but the same error given.
  22. I Don't know how, but I made it working! It stacks and, uh. A lot of thanks again!!!!
  23. Ok, I have a class that extends BlockSlab. It overrides the getIcon and the getItem Method, but I can't figure out what is the func_150002_b method.
  24. Derp, it's abstract.. What kind of class should I use for the blocks?
  25. Em, should I use the BlockSlab class instead of my class? For the single and the double block?
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