Crash report :
Ui: I removed the block model missing things.
This error is thrown when I generate a world. All the time. It also crashes when I disable my mod. Reinstalling workspace fixes the issue for about 20 minutes, then it crashes again.
Yes, I have a blockstate file. But when I right click with my block nothing appears in the world. Nothing. Not purple and black block, no collisionBox, nothing.
Maybe yes. It's a bit interesting that Mojang made changes like this. Also, i just made the block render in the inventor. Is there a blockmodel class where i can register my block model file?
I suggest to use the Snowball's render file, it just takes an item parameter, and it renders correctly. And you don't need to create a render file, too.
The same... (Explain: I mean under "not working" that the item doesn't have texture{black&purple mess}), but it doesn't prints out missing texture, or no file found errors... Tomorrow i will reinstall my workspace, because I think something is bugging...
Em, i don't have it in my code(sniper that has zooming and crosshairs, used RenderGameOverlay), try without it, if you see errors(something is rendering wrongly) put it to the end. Also use glpushmatrix before the blendfunc, and popmatrix at the end.
Main mod file:
Block file:
My texture is in assets/testmod/textures/blocks/testblock.png
BlockState file: assets/testmod/blockstates/TestBlock.json
Model(Item+Block) in? assets/testmod/models/(item/block)/TestBlock.json