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Everything posted by Degubi

  1. http://pastebin.com/dALNRcVf - Error log http://pastebin.com/EdcRfkss - Block file I don't know what's the problem, because it's working in vanilla..
  2. How did you register your entity?
  3. Anyone?
  4. The method getBaseState() is undefined for the type BlockHalfBlocks, .. I don't know why the getBlockState not working, because it's working in vanilla.
  5. Log: http://pastebin.com/V1PZXyYD Block File: http://pastebin.com/JymkvRzY I tried running the mod in server environment and from the offical minecraft launcher, too and it crashes, the log points to the PropertyDirection thing. I don't know what's the problem, because it's working in eclipse, but not after jar-ing the mod.
  6. Anyone?
  7. Hey Guys! I created a few bushes in 1.7.10. They use the colors of the vanilla leaf blocks. They are working fine when placed, but in the inventory they're white... Block file: http://pastebin.com/tnr13Bij Inventory Model: http://pastebin.com/cfjee6XV Super Block Model: http://pastebin.com/uyQ6gtFu Item Model: http://pastebin.com/5AR7hKdV
  8. Can you show me your item model file?
  9. First: Init items and register them in the FMLPreInit Event. 2nd: Register item models in your ClientProxy. I really suggest you to make a "helper" class to make things cleaner.
  10. (sry 4 bad English) Hi, I have the same problem. Now, the problem is: BlockWall definies 2 variants: Mossy and normal cobblestone. Vanilla is just ignoring them automatically, but you have to ignore them, too.(Like the POWERED attribute at doors). ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(block, (new StateMap.Builder()).addPropertiesToIgnore(new IProperty[] {property}).build()); This is the way I ignore properties in blockstate files.(put it in preInit) But this doesn't worked for me, just for doors.
  11. But it has been working until I updated the 1.8 workspace.
  12. Yes. But I have a non utf8 characer in my user home's folder(Gergő), because I'm Hungaryan. Can this be the problem?
  13. The worst thing is that I tried it already 3 times...
  14. I tried it already, nothing.
  15. Ehm, opened build.gradle, changed version number, console: gradlew setupDecompWorkspace and gradlew eclipse
  16. So: I downloaded the sources form the fileserver. Extraced it, opened console and gradlew setupDecompWorkspace and gradlew eclipse. The funny thing is that 1.8 and 1.7.10 has been working for very long time, but I just updated the 1.8 workspace and everything stopped working.
  17. Hello guys! I tried everything to make minecraft run. I tried reinstalling the workspace, deleted gradle folder, nothing worked. Here's a console log from eclipse... http://pastebin.com/TbPn8rDR I saw topics where people complained about the same problem, but their solutions didn't work for me.
  18. You also need a render file if you want to change texture too.
  19. Tile entity special render.-->> Needs a tile entiy.
  20. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Using_wavefront_model I used this tutorial. It contains info about how to export the obj and how to import it to minecraft. Also: It's for 1.7.10, 1.8's render engine doesn't allow (yet) to use obj's. Also, for blocks: TESR, for Items: IItemRenderer.
  21. Do the nullChecks before checking the item dmg.
  22. To add a render to an entity RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler, also do this only in your client proxy!
  23. For registering entities use EntityRegistry.registerModEntity
  24. Width 30 != 30 block width I think
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