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Everything posted by endershadow

  1. funny thing, I was looking on the internet for such a solution and didn't find a working one. :-( I'll try again. but let me know if you come up with anything.
  2. I'm using this code to determine temperature if(isPowered()) temperature += 1.0F; temperature -= getCoolant(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord); temperature = ((float) Math.ceil(temperature * 5) / 5.0F); if(temperature < 0.0F) temperature = 0.0F; and here's the getCoolant() method but in the gui it shows up as x.6 then x.2 then x.0 then x.6 then x.2 then x.0 then... so I was wondering if anyone knows how I could get this to work better correctly? currently 2/9 spots are obstructed if that helps. also, the liquid being used is water, so the BlockFluidBase part of the method doesn't matter.
  3. I think he's talking about the blocks color. like with grass at the edge of two different biomes
  4. here's my code for the event handler. it still doesn't work. @ForgeSubscribe public void onLivingRender(RenderLivingEvent.Pre event) { if(event.entity instanceof EntityXanafiedMob) { EntityXanafiedMob xana = (EntityXanafiedMob) event.entity; if(xana.infectedMob != null) { event.setCanceled(true); Render r = RenderManager.instance.getEntityClassRenderObject(xana.infectedMob.getClass()); r.doRender(xana.infectedMob, xana.posX, xana.posY, xana.posZ, xana.rotationYaw, 0.0F); } } }
  5. any idea on how I can give it a new renderer once I cancel the default renderer?
  6. but how? this is what I have for the rendering code so far. @ForgeSubscribe public void onLivingRender(RenderLivingEvent.Pre event) { if(event.entity instanceof EntityXanafiedMob) { EntityXanafiedMob xana = (EntityXanafiedMob) event.entity; if(xana.infectedMob != null) { event.setCanceled(true); } } }
  7. once I cancel it, how will I manually render it?
  8. I already got that stuff done. I just need to get the rendering side done. I'll try that.
  9. I'm still a little confused. I want this to work for all mobs (vanilla or not), so that would require lots of if-else statements if I used that way.
  10. ok, here's the code I have so far, but it keeps on rendering with the default renderer. anyone know why? https://github.com/Cortex-Modders/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/render/mobs/RenderXanafiedMob.java https://github.com/Cortex-Modders/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/entities/mobs/EntityXanafiedMob.java
  11. If you've ever played old thaumcraft, you'll remember how the corruption could take over mobs like sheep, cows, zombies, etc. I want to do something like that.
  12. If I was to render a mob as a different mob, and I only had a reference to the entity I want to render as, how would I go about doing this?
  13. are the block ids you specify in the biome 256+?
  14. that completely disables the collisions
  15. I'll try the collision boxes method
  16. I would but I'm using metadata for rotation of a custom model. So it's just easier to make it half a block tall all the time.
  17. no. it gets less glitchy as I increase the height until the height is 0.5 at which point it stops being glitchy. It makes no sense to me.
  18. does anyone know why my mod is derping like this though?
  19. After doing a little testing, it seems that it just doesn't like me giving it less than 0.5 as a collision bound.
  20. I've left it as the default one, but it didn't help at all.
  21. it doesn't push me out when I give it a normal collision box. but it shouldn't push me out with a special one either.
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