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Everything posted by endershadow

  1. I figured out why it wasn't rendering for me! not only was I not registering the entities, but I was setting up the render before registering the entities.
  2. I've been wondering that as well, I have the same problem as you.
  3. You simply give it a 32x32 texture. Since 1.5 textures ban be any size where width is a multiple of 16 and the height is a multiple of the width.
  4. I just changed the color of water and used that. That's what the getIcon method and colorModifier method do.
  5. You register it with the setIcons method in the fluid it block. There's a post somewhere that explains the textures. Let me find it. Here it is http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,10319.0.html
  6. I've looked through the minecraft code before, but I haven't been able to figure out how to add custom damage sources that give custom death messages. If anyone knows how to do this and is willing to help me, I'd appreciate it.
  7. giving your block a custom ItemBlock would work.
  8. it's pretty simple. just use this as a guideline and register the fluid before the block if the fluid is binded to a block. most of the methods in the BlockDigitalSeaLiquid file just add custom things to it. you only need the constructor (and you only need the super() line of it). @EventHandler public void CodeLyokoLoad(FMLInitializationEvent evt) { ModFluids.init(); ModItems.init(); ModBlocks.init(); https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/fluids/ModFluids.java https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/fluids/BlockDigitalSeaLiquid.java
  9. The problem, is that whenever I place my fluid, only the source block emits light. I'm not sure how to fix it, but here's my fluid related code. https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/fluids/ModFluids.java https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/fluids/BlockDigitalSeaLiquid.java
  10. I do know that some people are using core mods for it.
  11. I think it's because of what BlockContainer implements.
  12. Try extending BlockContainer instead of Block
  13. What do you mean it didn't work? His did it not work? If we see the code you have so far, it wields be helpful.
  14. I have an idea, but it would make the range thing not work (unless it's only one transmitter per frequency). so what you would do, is you would have a static array in the transmitter class, and it would have all the frequencies, the coordinates of the transmitter, and what's being played. the radio will only play it if it is within a certain range of the transmitter and is on. it would look something like this. public static Object[][][][] radio = new Object[MAX_NUMBER_OF_FREQUENCIES][x][y][z] the x, y, and z would be the coordinates of the transmitter. if the transmitter was at the coordinates 20, 72, 30 and was on frequency 42 and transmitting "hello world" you would add it to the list by doing CLASS_WITH_THE_ARRAY_IN_IT.radio[42][20][72][30] = "hello world"; the radio would just have to look at the coordinates around it and see if there is something being played on it's frequency at the coordinates in it's range. of course, you could make the array any type of array you want, it doesn't have to be an object array. if you want it to not have a range, you can omit the last three [] of the array. so it would look like public static Object[] radio = new Object[MAX_NUMBER_OF_FREQUENCIES] and making it have "hello world" on frequency 42 would be CLASS_WITH_THE_ARRAY_IN_IT.radio[42] = "hello world";
  15. yes, this means the mod is one step closer to having dimensions. and I thought it might be a packet thing, but how what kind of packet would I use?
  16. I've figured out a new way to go to the dimensions, but it has one flaw, which is it doesn't update on the client. does anyone know how I can refresh the client? here's the code for the teleportation. https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/lib/DimensionIds.java
  17. I was wondering this as well.
  18. for the most part this works. all I had to do was send a packet. but my new problem, is that I don't change dimensions when I teleport. I have to log-out and then log back in to be in the correct dimension. and pi.getScannerPosX() gives the target x coordinate. EDIT: I've also tried "player.travelToDimension(pi.ScannerDim);" and it teleports me to the correct dimension, but it then teleports me to the nether. I can't figure out why.
  19. you're right! that is quite interesting! I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever decide to customize the dimensions in my mod.
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