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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Could you put all of your code on github? And that is strange you should try looking through it with you're IDE's debugger.
  2. I believe you are giving it with a metadata value, which in turn you did not register a model/texture to.
  3. This isn't the right place to ask for such things, I would reccomend the minecraft forums or some other forum where you can make requests. This section was made to assist modders with various problems they have while making/updating their mod(s).
  4. I would like to see the command you entered and the ItemIngotCopper class.
  5. It's hard to answer your question without seeing the code also post the text you used as the command.
  6. Well first off, why are you trying to get the ip and port?
  7. You're using the old version of creating an inventory, you should be using the capability system aka ItemHandler or a custom implementation of IItemHandler along with CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY. You can read more about capabilities on the forge docs.
  8. Subscribe to the RenderGameOverlayEvent and render the text. You can look at how to render text in the vanilla Minecraft code.
  9. You could try implementing some kind of for loop. That should make your code cleaner, also you don't need to turn EntityPlayer#getHorizontalFacing into a string, it is an enum, and comparing strings with == will not work.
  10. To compare ItemStacks you need to compare the item and the metadata. ItemStack#getItem and ItemStack.getMetadata() It is also possible to use the utility functions in the ItemStack class. ItemStack.are.....
  11. No this is not possible, this mod would have to be on both server and client. The way picking up items works is the EntityItem checks if the item is colliding with the player and if so it will try to pick up the item. This all happens on the server and is then synced to the client.
  12. Is the whole problem solved? Please don't just copy code, read through it and learn how it works, if you don't understand how something works ask questions.
  13. First off define spawn, even after they die, one time aka the first time they join the world or every time they join the world. You can add an enchanted item to the player's inventory by creating a new instance of an ItemStack and calling ItemStack#addEnchantment(Enchantment, level) and you can get the enchantments from the static variables in Enchantments. Adding the item is easier EntityPlayer#addItemStackToInventory(ItemStack).
  14. In this case it depends on the server. If it is a survival server that would be left up to the owner, and typically if pop is off then it would be allowed. Now if it was a factions server or UHC, that would be a different case, this would also be useful in a modpack.
  15. Never mind I did not look into your blockstate json. Have you tried anything else since then?
  16. You do not have any models/block folder and therefore none of your blocks will have a texture.
  17. Inventory management, specifically for stuff like mining; sometimes granite and the other stone blocks clutter inventory. Well, this might be why I am just assuming.
  18. I was saying that an easier way of achieving what he currently has(checking for an armor stand without including child classes) it would be easier to do a class check instead of the String comparisons.
  19. This is never going to evaluate to true. You should be using object#equals. And what about other mods that extend EntityArmorStand are you going to exclude them from what you want to do? Plus there is not much difference between what you are doing there and an instanceof check, except it will only confirm if it is the vanilla one in which you should just compare the classes. I.E. if (enity.getClass() == EntityArmorStand.class) // DO STUFF
  20. I'm not sure what you mean by this. Well if it is an Armor Stand you know that the item ID is from the forge registry, and you would get the name of the armor stand the same way you would for any other entity.
  21. You can definitely make it depended on Galacticraft and just subscribed to one of its events and cancel it to cancel the motion and limitations I believe I didn't look too far.
  22. What different movement mechanics does it have that you are trying to replicate? And I'm sorry there is no way of 'patching' a mods class on runtime.
  23. Through a bit of testing, I have figured out how to solve your issue. Brain power is hard to come by at almost 3 AM, but the solution is to not check the isRemote at all. This is the code I used tested on both a dedicated and integrated server. @SubscribeEvent public void tickPlayer(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) { if (event.player.dimension == 0) { event.player.capabilities.allowFlying= true; event.player.capabilities.isFlying = true; } else { event.player.capabilities.allowFlying = event.player.capabilities.isCreativeMode; event.player.capabilities.isFlying = event.player.capabilities.isCreativeMode; } } Though I did not test it with your mods. (Also change the dimension check to your choice).
  24. You forgot to add back the if statement for the dimension.
  25. That is not possible because the Server manages all of that information. Did you crash when you changed that, was it the exact same? Does the crash change or occur when you launch it without other mods?
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